Gould, Daniel


There are 7 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Elite athletes in flow : the psychology of optimal sport experience 1992 665 An interpretive investigation of flow was conducted, involving both qualitative and quantitative methods of inquiry. The underlying purpose of the investigation was to gain an in-depth understanding of the flow state as experienced by elite athletes,...
The relationships among coping strategies, trait anxiety, and performance in collegiate softball players 1993 281 Efforts have been made to understand more about the psychological characteristics that differentiate between more and less successful athletes, but little research exists examining the relationships between specific coping strategies and performance....
Playing Tough and Clean Hockey: Developing Emotional Management Skills to Reduce Individual Player Aggression 2005 9421 " Aggression in youth ice hockey is prevalent and has many negative consequences including the possibility of injury (Widmeyer & McGuire, 1993). Multiple antecedents lead to aggression (Bushman & Anderson, 2001), however, emotions and related cogniti...
The relationship between anxiety and athletic performance : a test of the multidimensional anxiety and catastrophe theories 1990 1926 The relationship between anxiety and athletic performance has been a critical area of study in sport psychology from both practical and conceptual perspectives. New theories examining this relationship are emerging which need to be examined and compa...
Pre-competitive and competitive cognition and affect in collegiate wrestlers 1991 220 This investigation had two purposes. The first purpose was to partially replicate the Gould, Eklund and Jackson (1990) investigation of psychological factors associated with best and worst matches of 1988 U.S. Olympic wrestlers with a sample of colle...
Coach perceptions of psychological characteristics and behaviors of male and female athletes and their impact on coach behaviors 1995 473 An interpretive investigation was conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of (1) coach perceptions of psychological characteristics and behaviors of male and female athletes and (2) how these perceptions impact coach behavior. The participants we...
Examining mood, coping, and social support in the context of athletic injuries 1995 137 It has recently been estimated that approximately 17 million injuries occur each year in the United States as a result of individuals' participation in sports or physical activity (Booth, 1987). Unfortunately, there is a dearth of empirically derived...