Yasaki, Dan


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Computational aspects of Bianchi modular forms 2023 182 Bianchi modular forms are a generalization of classical modular forms to imaginary quadratic fields. The study of computational aspects of Bianchi modular forms started in the 1980s by Elstrodt, Grunewald, and Mennicke. John Cremona and several of hi...
Enumeration of quadratic forms over totally real fields 2012 2887 Let F be a real quadratic field with OF its ring of integers. Let f be a quadratic form over F with discriminant D. Using Koecher Theory and the generalized Voronoï Algorithm, we show that there are finitely many quadratic forms with discriminant D o...
A geometric generalization of continued fractions for imaginary quadratic fields 2021 390 The Euclidean Algorithm for the integers is well known and yields a finite continued fraction expansion for each rational number. Geometrically, successive convergents in this expansion correspond to endpoints of edges in the Farey tessellation of th...