Smyth, Clifford


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Bunk Bed Conjecture and the Skolem Problem 2021 176 We present our results on two open problems, the Bunk Bed Conjecture and the Skolem Problem. The 35-year-old Bunk Bed Conjecture is a natural conjecture on connection events in a randomly disrupted network. We reduced this problem to a counting probl...
The noncrossing poset and topological indices of finite graphs 2024 74 In Part I, we study the noncrossing bond poset of a graph. The partition lattice and noncrossing partition lattice are well studied objects in combinatorics. Given a graph G on vertex set {1, 2, . . . ,n}, its bond lattice, LG, is the subposet of the...
Combinatorial Game Theory 2010 9660 Given a combinatorial game, can we determine if there exists a strategy for a player to win the game, and can we pinpoint what this strategy is? The answer to these questions varies from game to game, and even the most trivial games can become a burd...