Lovelady, Cheryl


There are 16 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Effects of diet and exercise on maternal body composition and breast milk components 2006 5966 "Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) are essential for infant growth and development, and amounts in breast milk depend on maternal diet and body stores. Because exercise increases mobilization and utilization of fatty acids, maternal act...
Effect of exercise on bone density and body composition during lactation 2006 2175 "Bone mineral density (BMD) decreases during lactation, therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine if exercise could slow this loss. Women were randomized to either an exercise group (EG, n=5) [aerobic (3d/wk, 45 min/d) and resistance exerci...
The dietary intake of 2-year-olds born to overweight or obese women and predictors of their body mass index 2009 2173 The prevalence of overweight among 2-5 year olds has increased from 7.2% in 1988-94 to 13.9% in 2003-2004. Prior research has shown that children of overweight mothers are at increased risk for overweight. The purpose of this study was to determine t...
Food Habits and Choices, Physical Activity, and Breastfeeding Among Overweight and Obese Postpartum Women. 2008 3292 Weight gain during pregnancy and weight retention 6 months postpartum are critical markers in predicting risk for life-long overweight in childbearing women. Pre-pregnancy weight, age, race, marital status, income, and parity are related to weight re...
The effect of a high dairy diet, dairy supplementation, and resistance exercise on increasing lean body mass and decreasing fat mass in overweight women. 2009 6788 Previous reports suggest that high dairy calcium diets help augment total and regional fat loss in obese women. Other reports suggest that timed protein ingestion before and after resistance exercise can augment lean body mass as a result of resistan...
Relationship of early infant feeding (breast vs. formula) and fruit and vegetable variety in dietary intakes of 2-3 year olds, as may predict child's BMI z-score 2010 2144 The theory of breastmilk flavor exposure impacting later dietary variety in children was examined. Dietary intakes of 2-3 year olds of overweight (BMI > or = 25) mothers were analyzed. Mothers reported how the child was fed for the first 3 months. Pa...
The relationships among dietary habits, media usage, physical activity, and BMI in preschoolers born to overweight/obese mothers 2010 3877 The purpose of this study was to describe the dietary habits, media use, and physical activity of 2 to 5-year-olds born to overweight and obese mothers. Data were collected on 390 preschoolers enrolled in the KAN-DO study. As part of the study's base...
The effects of energy restriction and exercise on body composition and bone mineral density in overweight lactating women 2010 3672 Lactation is a time of rapid bone loss due to hyperprolactinemia, amenorrhea, and increased bone turnover, especially in the lumbar spine and hip. Childbearing may be one of the causes for the high prevalence (59%) of overweight and obesity among wom...
Diet quality and weight change among overweight and obese postpartum women enrolled in a behavioral intervention program 2011 2677 Many women enter pregnancy already overweight or obese, and then gain weight in excess of what is recommended by the Institute of Medicine. Evidence shows that excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to higher postpartum weight retention. And...
Diet quality of mothers and their preschoolers enrolled in an obesity prevention trial 2013 905 Children of obese parents are more likely to become obese than children of normal weight parents. However, there is little information regarding diet intake of children of obese parents. The objectives of this study were to determine: 1) diet quality...
The effects of diet and exercise on bone mineral density during the first year postpartum 2013 1092 During lactation, women can lose up to 10% of bone mineral density (BMD) at trabecular-rich sites. Previous studies report resistance exercise to slow BMD losses; however, no study has looked at the long-term effects of exercise on BMD during lactati...
Diet quality and cardiovascular disease risks in adolescents 2016 598 Obesity and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk among adolescents have become major public health concerns. Obesity rate has reached 18.4% among 12-19 year olds, and 20.3% of this age group has at least one abnormal blood lipid level. Among obese adole...
Determinants of infant growth within the first six months of life 2017 955 Infants who gain weight rapidly during the first year of life are more likely to be overweight later in childhood. Suggested predictors of infant weight gain are: prepregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain (GWG), infant birth weight, and formula feedi...
The effect of a diet and exercise intervention on body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in postpartum women 2015 1227 Obesity among women is a public health problem in the United States. Pregnancy may be one of the causes of this, with 56% of women of childbearing age being overweight or obese. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy and postpartum weight retention m...
Relationship of feeding human milk by breast versus bottle with infant growth 2015 1672 Research suggests that infants fed human milk from a bottle versus the breast may have higher weight gains in the first six to 12 months of life. The purpose of this study was to determine if infants fed human milk directly from the breast differed i...
Associations of breastfeeding, diet quality and physical activity with obesity in adolescents 2018 267 Breastfed infants have a reduced risk of becoming overweight or obese during childhood compared to formula fed infants. However, there is little evidence to assess whether this protective effect of breastfeeding persists into adolescence. As rates of...