Bolton, Charles


There are 13 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
This is My Mic: Hip Hop and the Media, 1970s-1990s 2008 6707 This study explores how the media, in particular the print media of New York City, portrayed hip hop culture and hip hoppers from the 1970s through the early 1990s. Through examining various newspaper sources it is apparent that the media, since hip ...
"The changing needs of our youth today": the response of 4-H to social and economic transformations in Twentieth-century North Carolina 2012 6446 Throughout the twentieth century, North Carolina underwent significant social and economic changes, experiencing a decline in small-scale agriculture, an end to racial segregation, and morphing views about roles for women and the nature of youth. Thi...
“Our objective wasn’t to belittle people’s behavior”: the history of gestational diabetes, 1921-1991 2013 7515 The emergence of the disease concept of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus during the late twentieth century was a product of collaborative efforts between physicians, medical researchers, businesses, and government agencies. This work is fundamentally an...
Faith and family in the Antebellum Piedmont South 2013 3690 This dissertation examines the cultural and religious dynamics of the North Carolina Piedmont's non-planter social order. I look in depth at the modernizing elements of antebellum religion, particularly the sensibility of liberality that accompanied ...
Segregating the police: negotiating equality in postwar Memphis, Tennessee 2016 1993 In early November 1948, black police officers began patrolling the Beale Street area of Memphis, Tennessee. The nine men hired to be black police officers in Memphis in the fall of 1948 were a surprising sight in a city that operated on racial segreg...
More lives than a cat: a state and federal history of bank deposit insurance in the United States, 1829-1933 2017 3118 This dissertation traces the history of state and federal bank deposit insurance from the first state program enacted in 1829 to the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 1933. I seek to correct a common misperception that f...
Fighting within the bar: Judge Elreta Alexander and civil rights advocacy in Greensboro, North Carolina 2017 3343 Elreta Melton Alexander (1919–1998) was a pioneering African-American attorney from Greensboro, North Carolina. Coming of age during the Jim Crow period of the South, she was the daughter of a Baptist minister and a teacher, and grew up in a black mi...
Campus to counter: civil rights activism in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, 1960-1963 2017 3000 This work investigates civil rights activism in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, in the early 1960s, especially among students at Shaw University, Saint Augustine’s College (Saint Augustine’s University today), and North Carolina College at Durham...
North Carolina, Claude Kitchin, and the Great War, 1869-1923 2020 607 This dissertation investigates the state of North Carolina in the years before American intervention in the Great War by focusing on the actions, speeches, and writings of House Majority Leader Claude Kitchin. Despite his importance to such a pivotal...
Keeping up with the Joneses : Progressive Era revivalism in the South and the rise of the Christian Right 2024 3842 This dissertation examines the development of the Christian Right (also known as the New Christian Right) in the late twentieth century by focusing on its roots in Progressive Era revivalism and, in particular, the careers and beliefs of Samuel Porte...
Medical education reform in the South, 1910-1941 2024 169 Medical education in colonial America and early nationhood was a derivative of the British system based on the University and affiliated teaching hospital. The American system’s graduates required the approval of state licensing agencies in order to ...
A matter of national concern: the Kennedy administration’s campaign to restore public education to Prince Edward County, Virginia 2015 15373 The Kennedy administration’s civil rights record requires revision. Scholars have developed a negative interpretation of that record by focusing on the most dramatic crises and a handful of poor judicial appointees. The dominant narrative, therefore,...
“This must be worked out locally”: race, education, and leadership in Rockingham County, North Carolina, 1820-1970 2019 4815 Focusing on local leadership, this work is a close study of race and education in Rockingham County, North Carolina, from 1820 to 1970. The long history of race and education is examined in the context of broader state and regional racial politics, w...