MacKinnon, Carol E.


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Paternal, infant, and social contextual characteristics as determinants of competent parental functioning by fathers with young infants 1990 216 The purpose of this investigation was to examine factors considered salient to competent parental functioning by fathers with infants. Only recently has fathers' ability to be sensitive, competent parents for infants been recognized. The void remaini...
Predictors and consequences of maternal attributions among families with children at risk for developmental delays 1990 174 This research investigated the attributional biases of mothers with one-month-old infants. First this study examined to what extent maternal at-risk status (poor marital quality, depression, and low family income), social support, infant at-risk stat...
A cross-contextual analysis of boys' aggressiveness 1991 191 The research undertaken for this investigation was an analysis of boys' aggressiveness across two contexts: family and peer. The sample included 96 mother-son pairs. The mothers and sons visited the research center where they completed semi-structure...
An investigation of the interrelations of attributional bias, life stress, and social support in predicting coercive mother-son interactions 1989 171 The purpose of this investigation was to examine the interrelations between mothers’ and children's negative attributions about intent and coercive mother-son interactions. The extant literature focuses primarily on adult attributions about adults, a...