Lambeth, C. Tommy


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Nostalgia remix: fusing traditional crafts and contemporary interior product design 2009 4582 While always a fundamental part of the design world, textiles have only recently become more integrated into interior product design during the past few years. In particular this kind of exploration gives the product a hand-made authentic quality ro...
Optimizing small spaces: a new typology for living functions of the millennial generation 2010 12397 The Millennial generation, people born roughly between 1982 and 2002, is the next generation of people to grow up and live in their own homes. When Millennials leave college and enter the working world, these young professionals often live in small s...
Interactive public "art-chitecture": engaging the city and its inhabitants 2010 10904 The era of technology, media and consumerism that exists in contemporary cities has diminished the opportunities to offer society direct encounters and personal dialogues with the urban realm. This has caused the visual sense to predominate over the ...
Engage: designing interior products for the communal dining experience 2011 4720 This design thesis focuses on the social impact of designing interior products for the communal dinning experience. The emotional sustainability of interior products is closely connected to the ability to transition a consumer to an enduring owner. T...
Creating emotional durability: surface, narrative, and ritual 2016 6766 The concept of emotional durability seeks to connect users and objects through a deeper and evolving relationship. Products that engage the user and allow them to create a dialog and history between each other have a better chance of staying in the h...
Wellbeing: the great design 2017 8912 This thesis writing aims to dissect the process of artistic discovery, as applied to the arts and design, as a technique and tool to repair wellbeing. The goal of the typical abstract is intended to simply state the research problem, the processes us...
Research of future furniture design : exploring trends and aesthetics in futurism 2017 12761 Conceptual furniture that appear in many movies can be a great source of inspiration. Unique artifacts are intended to create a sense of place within the physical and psychological context of the movie. Many science-fiction movies upgrade and expand ...
Designing deeper: creating interior spaces that support well-being through explorations in process driven design 2017 14224 The objective of this thesis is to explore and create a methodology and tools for residential interior design that supports well-being. This goal is based on the effect the spaces we occupy have on our physical, mental and spiritual health. The home ...
Art reshaping space 2013 27704 In the attempt to create interactive architectural space, biomorphic design principles and theories have been applied to develop forms derived from nature. The experience of a space is developed through the use of patterns and surfaces, which have hi...
FABRICating FORM: generating three-dimensional upholstery amid experiments in process driven design 2014 12854 As an artist and designer, I created works of art by actively researching, reflecting, experimenting, and producing projects which embodied theories, methods and processes of both practices. Additionally, my work utilized research from numerous disci...