Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Understanding beliefs and practices of African American parents with male toddlers: a focus on emotional and social development |
2014 |
3007 |
The purpose of this study was to learn more about the experiences, beliefs, and practices of married or cohabitating African American parents with a toddler son. This study also examined salient aspects of family life and how child rearing practices ... |
An investigation of ecocultural influences on sustained engagement: insights from parents in rural North Carolina who have infants and toddlers with disabilities |
2015 |
756 |
Understanding the contexts in which children develop, including distal ecological factors, proximal family influences, and various cultural factors is essential for promoting positive outcomes for young children with disabilities or developmental del... |
The impact of pedagogical documentation on the individualizing practices of early educators serving young children with disabilities in inclusive settings |
2016 |
1639 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of pedagogical documentation on the individualizing practices of early educators serving young children with disabilities in inclusive settings. Pedagogical documentation is defined as a collaborati... |
An examination of early childhood teachers’ experiences and perceptions regarding evidence based practices used to improve functional communication skills of young children with Autism spectrum disorder |
2020 |
671 |
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine early childhood education (ECE) teachers’ perceptions and experiences using 13 evidence-based practices (EBPs) deemed appropriate by the research literature for improving the functional communica... |
Emergent literacy interactions between parents of Latino heritage and their preschool children with speech or language impairments |
2015 |
1318 |
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how six parent-child dyads of Latino heritage including preschool children who have with speech or language disabilities engage in language and pre-literacy interactions, and what factors may influ... |
The effects of a parent implemented infant signing intervention on communication skills for young hearing children with diagnosed language delays |
2016 |
1474 |
Being able to communicate one’s wants and needs is an essential step in typical language development. However, children with diagnosed language delays, which constitute approximately 5–10% of children under three years, may reach this step later than... |