Dixon, Arthur


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The nineteenth century wasteland : the void in the works of Byron, Baudelaire, and Melville 1969 1914 The theme of the twentieth century "wasteland" began with T. S. Eliot's influential poem, and has reached its present culmination point in the literature of the Absurd. In a wasteland or an Absurd world, man is out of harmony with his universe, with ...
William Blake's The marriage of heaven and hell : a formal analysis 1969 3733 Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell holds a central position in the body of his works; his essential concept of contrariety, expressed here for the first time, appears over and over in his later poetry and prophetic books. My thesis focuses on the fo...
The English novel in the eighteenth century 1964 669 In the chapter called "The Romantic Reaction" in Science and the Modern World. Alfred North Whitehead observes, It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression. Accordingly, it is to literature that we must look part...
A study in the sexuality of Emily Dickinson, The spider and the flower : manifest homosexuality and its significance to critical comprehension of the poetry and the poet 1970 17778 In Ancestors' Brocades. Millicent Todd Bingham suggested that Emily Dickinson's supposed love affair with a married man was simply a product of the poet's imagination. In Bolts of Melody she remarked that poems describing a love relationship between ...
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, an initiator of the psychological thriller 1973 1254 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, an important figure in the world of supernatural literature, was born in Ireland and as a writer could never escape his Irish origin. In his short stories the themes as well as the characters are Irish and in his novels the a...