Ahn, Gail-Joon


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Development of a multi-layered botmaster based analysis framework 2011 1060 Botnets are networks of compromised machines called bots that come together to form the tool of choice for hackers in the exploitation and destruction of computer networks. Most malicious botnets have the ability to be rented out to a broad range o...
Assured information sharing for ad-hoc collaboration 2009 340 Collaborative information sharing tends to be highly dynamic and often ad hoc among organizations. The dynamic natures and sharing patterns in ad-hoc collaboration impose a need for a comprehensive and flexible approach to reflecting and coping with ...
SYSTEMATIC POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT 2010 431 Determining whether a given policy meets a site’s high-level security goals has been a challenging task, due to the low-level nature and complexity of the policy language, various security requirements and the multiple policy violation patterns. In t...