King, Tao-Hsien Dolly


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
CHANGES IN VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDING AND THE PROCESS OF CREATING NASCENT FIRM VALUE 2014 379 In Chapter 1, I examine the role of venture capital syndication in a firms’ ability to efficiently time the initial public offering market, as well as the benefits of syndication to the issuing firms and venture capitalists. The results indicate that...
S&P 500 INDEX RECONSTITUTIONS: AN ANALYSIS OF OUTSTANDING HYPOTHESES 2010 1570 The market reaction to announcements of S&P 500 index changes shows a sustained price increase for added firms and a short-term price decline for newly removed firms. We explore the outstanding hypotheses regarding liquidity, certification, and inv...
Three essays on corporate governance, risk and cross listing. 2010 262 n Chapter 1, we set up an equilibrium model which emphasizes cost of corporate governance. The model indicates that better corporate governance increases the likelihood of dispersed corporate ownership structure. In Chapter 2, we use a sample of dem...
Three essays on corporate debt mix, maturity structure, and inside debt compensation 2013 615 In Chapter 1, we use a large sample of new debt to examine the determinants of corporate debt mix and to test the substitute/complement effects among debt sources. We find that both firm-level factors and macroeconomic variables are important determi...
THREE ESSAYS IN CORPORATE FINANCE 2014 467 The economy and market have dramatically developed over the past decades. The corporations try to survive and urge to grow in such erratic circumstance. Two key dimensions are involved in winning a game of the law of the jungle: the management of min...