Molchanov, Stanislav A.


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Branching processes in random trees 2012 882 We study the behavior of branching process in a random environment on trees in the critical, subcritical and supercritical case. We are interested in the case when both the branching and the step transition parameters are random quantities. We presen...
Mathematical analysis of Markov models for social processes 2010 708 We present Markov models for two social processes: the spread of rumors and the change in the spatial distribution of a population over time. For the spread of rumors, we present two models. The first is for the situation in which all particles are...
LIMIT THEOREMS FOR REACTION DIFFUSION MODELS 2011 284 We introduce two different reaction diffusion models: evolution of one-cell popula- tions in the presence of mitosis and continuous contact model. In the first model we consider the time evolution of the supercritical reaction diffusion-equation on ...
A RANDOM HIERARCHICAL LAPLACIAN 2013 172 The self-similar Hierarchical Laplacian, essentially proposed by Dyson [4] in his theory of one-dimensional ferromagnetic phase transitions, has a discrete spectrum with each eigenvalue having infinite multiplicity [14]. As a result, the integrated...
Asymptotic analysis of the Anderson parabolic problem and the Moser's type optimal stopping problem 2011 439 The central objects of the thesis are the Anderson parabolic problem and the Moser’s type optimal stopping problem: (1) In the lattice parabolic Anderson problem, we study the quenched and annealed asymptotics for the solutions of the lattice para...