Wei, Qiuming


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
COMPRESSIVE BEHAVIOR OF BULK METALLIC GLASS UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS —— COUPLED EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN RATE 2013 2348 Metallic glass was first reported in 1960 by rapid quenching of Au-Si alloys. But, due to the size limitation, this material did not attract remarkable interest until the development of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with specimen sizes in excess of 1 ...
CORRECTION OF THE POST – NECKING TRUE STRESS – STRAIN DATA USING INSTRUMENTED NANOINDENTATION 2014 17785 The study of large plastic deformations has been the focus of numerous studies particularly in the metal forming processes and fracture mechanics fields. A good understanding of the plastic flow properties of metallic alloys and the true stresses and...
EFFECTS OF GRAIN SIZE ON THE QUASI-STATIC MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ULTRAFINE-GRAINED AND NANOCRYSTALLINE TANTALUM 2013 1516 The increase in strength due to the Hall-Petch effect, reduced strain hardening capacity, a reduced ductility, and changes in deformation mechanisms are all effects of reducing grain size (d) into the ultrafine-grained (UFG, 100 < d < 1000 nm) and na...
Comparative study of the effect of impurities on the ductility of tantalum and tungsten based on atomistic and first principles calculations 2012 3941 Tungsten and tantalum are neighbors in the Periodic Table of the Elements and, as refractory metals, both have very high melting points (tungsten: 3422C, tantalum: 2996C). However, the ductility of the two metals is quite different especially at comm...