Browder, Diane M.


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
he effects of the system of least prompts on teaching comprehension skills during a shared story to students with significant intellectual disabilities 2009 1660 he development of literacy skills is a crucial skill that all students are entitled to develop (Browder, Gibbs, Ahlgrim-Delzell, Courtade, Mraz, Flowers, in press). Currently limited research has been conducted on the acquisition of early literacy sk...
Examining the relationship of variables related to litigation regarding students with significant cognitive disabilities 2010 270 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) contains procedural safeguard provisions for parents [20 U.S.C. ยง 615]. Among these safeguards are (1) dispute resolution, (2) mediation, and (3) administrative hearing. Get...
The effects of peer-mediated embedded instruction on inclusive inquiry science for students with severe intellectual disabilities 2010 685 There is a growing emphasis on meeting the diverse educational needs of all students which has drawn attention towards inclusive education. The number of students with severe disabilities receiving instruction in inclusive education settings has stea...
EFFECTS OF SYSTEMATIC INSTRUCTION ON LISTENING COMPREHENSION OF SCIENCE e-TEXTS FOR STUDENTS WITH MODERATE INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY 2014 84 A multiple probe across participants design was used to examine the effects of systematic instruction (constant time delay and a system of least prompts) on both generating and answering questions about science e-texts for students with moderate in...
EFFECTS OF A PEER-DELIVERED SYSTEM OF LEAST PROMPTS INTERVENTION PACKAGE AND ACADEMIC READ-ALOUDS ON LISTENING COMPREHENSION FOR STUDENTS WITH MODERATE INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY 2012 543 Comprehension of text is a strong focus of instruction in general education. Likewise, comprehension of text should be a strong focus of instruction for students with moderate intellectual disability even though they may not be independent readers. S...