Barya, Mildred


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Accidental Necromancer 2019 573 The following chapters constitute the beginning of a high fantasy novel. When protagonist Nycosa Maren accidentally raises a mangled corpse named Asif from the dead—which is highly illegal and nearly impossible, especially since she has no idea how s...
"The Crane Wife" Versus The Crane Wife: A Case Study in Novelizing a Folktale 2020 1427 An analysis of two stories- Patrick Ness’s The Crane Wife and Tsuru no Ongaeshi- through the lenses of four fairy tale elements- flatness, abstraction, intuitive logic, and normalized magic- in order to illustrate how Ness expands on these elements i...
Hyacinth in Chains 2021 609 A collection of poems which are atemporal, understanding time only as a position which constantly informs itself....