Goldenseal: a case study on LC-MS profiling to identify synergists
- UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Hiyas A. Junio (Creator)
- Institution
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
- Web Site:
- Advisor
- Nadja Cech
Abstract: The purported activity of goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis L., against a plethora of disease states is largely attributed to the presence of the benzoisoquinoline alkaloid berberine in the plant. However, goldenseal crude extracts showed better inhibitory activity compared with pure berberine against some microorganisms such as wild type Staphylococcus aureus and azole-resistant Candida albicans isolates. Goldenseal was also more effective than berberine against the multiple drug resistance-1 (MDR1)-mediated efflux from liver cells. Using quantitative LC-MS constituent profiling, three new flavonoids, 6-desmethyl-sideroxylin, 8-desmethyl-sideroxylin and sideroxylin, were identified and isolated from the aerial portion of goldenseal. These flavonoids were found to have potential synergistic effects with berberine against wild type (NCTC 8325-4) Staphylococcus aureus strain. The flavonoids, 8-desmethyl-sideroxylin and sideroxylin, do not have intrinsic antibacterial activity but showed inhibitory activity against the multi-drug efflux pump on the NorA over-expressed S. aureus strain (K2378). All three flavonoids exhibited synergistic effects. Identifying synergists in goldenseal is a proof-of-concept of the multi-constituent efficacy of herbal plants. A new method, synergy-directed fraction, is hereby proposed as an alternative way to investigate the presence of synergists in medicinal plants.
Goldenseal: a case study on LC-MS profiling to identify synergists
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Created on 12/1/2011
Views: 5551
Additional Information
- Publication
- Dissertation
- Language: English
- Date: 2011
- Keywords
- Flavonoids, Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis, LC-MS profiling, synergy-directed fractionation
- Subjects
- Goldenseal $x Physiological effect
- Goldenseal $x Analysis
- Goldenseal $x Therapeutic use
- Flavonoids $x Therapeutic use