Older adults' perceptions of fall-prevention education : a qualitative study
- WCU Author/Contributor (non-WCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Kristi Sanborn Miller (Creator)
- Institution
- Western Carolina University (WCU )
- Web Site: http://library.wcu.edu/
- Advisor
- Linda Comer
Abstract: The aim of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to gain an understanding
of older peoples’ experiences and perceptions of education about fall prevention to
establish what features of communications about fall risk and prevention are perceived as
helpful and acceptable and which are not. This research is based on the Health Belief
Model, which predicts the likelihood of an individual to undertake recommended health
action, such as taking part in fall risk reduction activities. Using purposive sampling, ten
participants between the ages of 69 and 98 years, four male and six female from a variety
of units were interviewed using fall prevention messages to stimulate discussion. The
interviews were analyzed using the selective highlighting method of Max van Manen.
Previous experience with fall prevention education indicated a lack of
information: most participants suggested “being careful” was a way to reduce the risk of
falling. Participants had a poor understanding of the link between physical condition and
fall prevention and were unaware of the high risk for falls in a hospital setting.
Participants described education relevant to reducing the risk of falling including the use
of non skid rugs, getting up slowly, and asking for help. Interventions specific to personal
events such as a bad fall, work-related hazards, and preoperative education were well remembered. Perceptions of fall prevention education included that education is helpful
when it pertains to those who are at risk for falling, however participants did not perceive
themselves to be a fall risk and did not accept changes with aging. Participants expressed
frustration and aggravation with the way health care providers give advice. Many felt that
education is not useful because falls are accidents that are not preventable. In addition,
reception of education depends on who is giving the advice.
Recommendations for improving education include receiving messages from
trusted family, friends, and professionals, and educating health care providers on the use
of evidence-based fall prevention interventions and teaching methodologies. In addition,
messages that emphasize what can be done to promote independence, that build on
strengths and what is already being done well should be employed. One way to
accomplish this is to promote exercise programs. Health care providers should also help
patients understand that most falls are preventable. Fall prevention interventions should
be discussed before, during and after hospitalization, and should take place in the
hospital, physician’s office, home, work place and community. Education programs that
respect independence and life experience and involve the patient and family in planning
interventions should be well received. It is also important to tailor the education to
specific needs, use multimodal delivery methods, to practice with the participant and
assess for understanding. Adoption of an education program that takes into account the
needs and desires of the older adult inpatient population should increase participation in
the program and reduce the fall rate in this high risk population.
Older adults' perceptions of fall-prevention education : a qualitative study
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Created on 7/1/2010
Views: 37254
Additional Information
- Publication
- Thesis
- Language: English
- Date: 2010
- Keywords
- Adult, Education, Fall, Older, Prevention, Qualitative
- Subjects
- Falls (Accidents) in old age -- Prevention
- Older people -- Health and hygiene