Comer, Linda


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Blended vs. lecture learning : outcomes for staff development 2010 4974 Knowledge of pharmacology is crucial to safe patient management for nurses orienting to critical care areas. Traditionally this education has been offered as a classroom lecture for new nurses. However, adult learning theory identifies the benefit of...
Older adults' perceptions of fall-prevention education : a qualitative study 2010 37242 The aim of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to gain an understanding of older peoples’ experiences and perceptions of education about fall prevention to establish what features of communications about fall risk and prevention are percei...
Moral distress in medical surgical nurses 2011 11974 Aim/Purpose The purpose of this mixed method study was to evaluate the intensity and frequency of moral distress in medical surgical nurses using the Moral Distress Scale (MDS). The study also included three qualitative questions to obtain descriptio...
Nurse managers' knowledge of staff nurse burnout 2009 26798 Nursing burnout affects the nurse’s home and work life and can lead to serious physical and emotional symptoms as well as patient dissatisfaction and increased nursing turnover. With a shortage of nurses expected to increase to 30% across the state...
Can script concordance testing be utilized in nursing education to accurately assess clinical reasoning skills? 2012 5206 The purpose of this tool validation study was to provide additional evidence of the validity and reliability of the Script Concordance Test (SCT) in evaluating the clinical reasoning competency of nursing students by replicating the study conducted b...