Economics of Linux Adoption in Developing Countries

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Nir B. Kshetri, Professor (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:

Abstract: There was once a time when developing software required only three main ingredients: a user with a need, a computer, and a programmer. Once these three ingredients came together, the resulting team could largely ignore everything in the outside world except the occasional need for pizza. Later, both the sizes and goals of such teams grew considerably, but often the insular attitude remained. Needs, computers, and software developers still went into a big black box, and sometime later, if the project was fortunate, the required software emerged as if by magic.

Additional Information

IEEE Software, 21 (1), 74-81.
Language: English
Date: 2004
Linux, Open source software, Developing nations, Software development, Ecopomics

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