Eye-tracker correlates of MMPI-2-RF negative emotionality scales

WCU Author/Contributor (non-WCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Elissa Maria Catherine Cannon (Creator)
Western Carolina University (WCU )
Web Site: http://library.wcu.edu/
David McCord

Abstract: The current study is designed to examine correlations between narrow band scales ofMMPI and physical indicators accessible to the eye tracker. Prior studies have shown that eyetrackers can pick up subtle differences in vision patterns which can relate to psychologicaldisorders, and a pilot study found connections between eye tracker metrics and negativeemotionality. Results may yield insight into the connection between individual gaze patterns andpersonality.Participants were 146 WCU students. They completed a consent form, shortdemographics form, PHQ-9, and the 338-item MMPI-RF-2 in a small group setting, and theycompleted the eye-tracker task individually. They were shown a series of 4 30-second videoswith sound and 30 pictures which had previously been rated for emotionality, and the Tobii eyetrackerrecorded their gaze patterns, pupillometry, and eye-movement dynamics.Data analysis showed correlations between the eye tracker variables of pupil size,fixation size, and fixation length with the negative internalizing RF scales of the MMPI-2-RF.This indicates that people with higher levels of internalizing problems may engage in moreavoidant activity when presented with negative stimuli.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2015
eye-tracking, fixation, internalizing, MMPI-2-RF
Eye tracking
Gaze -- Psychological aspects

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