McCord, David


There are 33 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Personality factors and their influence on autism spectrum therapist burnout and job satisfaction 2011 14488 Therapists working one-on-one with children with autism experience high levels of job-related stress and occupational "burnout," as well as lower levels of job satisfaction which results in higher than average job turnover. This is particularly unfor...
Correlations between the Child Abuse Potential Inventory and the MMPI-2-RF in a sample of court-referred parents 2012 7369 This thesis examined the relationship between scores on the Child Abuse Potential Inventory and scores on MMPI-2-RF Scales in a clinical setting. The issue of child abuse, whether that is verbal abuse, emotional abuse, or physical abuse, has been t...
Personality, job performance, and job satisfaction in non-profit organizations 2013 16168 Formal assessment of personality characteristics is common in many organizational settings, for reasons such as personnel selection, personnel training, determining leadership styles and team building. This study documents the use of personality a...
Variation in male gaze patterns : do gaze patterns generalize between sexually relevant and non-relevant stimuli? 2015 1540 Preliminary eye-tracking studies have identified two distinct gazing strategies which males employ when assessing the attractiveness of female images (Melnyk, McCord, & Vaske, 2014). It has been hypothesized that differences in male gazing strategy r...
The acute effects of alcohol on attention using the attention network test 2009 2828 The body of research on alcohol and its effects on the brain and human body is extensive. Recent advances in neuroimaging have lead to a better understanding of the underlying physiology of attention coupled with new innovations in methods to measu...
Personality differences in autistic and typically developing children 2010 1880 The prevalence of autism continues to steadily rise over time. As of yet, no clear cause or cure has been identified. Nevertheless, behavioral and pharmacological treatments have been developed to lessen the deficits characteristic of autism. These...
Personality and political policy opinion 2010 2241 Within the American public, there are significant differences in opinion on political policy. The current research explores the roots of disagreement between the political opinions of liberals and conservatives. It is hypothesized that political opin...
Nosology of depression : neuroticism as a higher order factor in a dimensional approach to depression 2011 2924 The purpose of the current study is to examine the association between personality and depression. The current climate of psychology suggests that a shift may be forthcoming in the area of diagnostics and nosology. This shift is mostly due to argumen...
Analyzing scanpath variables with MMPI-2-RF measures of thought disorder 2016 862 The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Director Tom Insel has created a newmethod of researching and conceptualizing mental health dysfunction. Instead of usingheterogeneous symptom classifications, Dr. Insel believes a biological approach to...
The effects of nicotine on the cognitive processes of adolescents and adults 2009 1845 Though much is known about the addictive properties of nicotine, much remains to be learned about its effects on various cognitive processes, especially as they might differ between adolescents and adults. The purpose of this study is to determine ...
Students' assessments of instruction : a validity study 2009 1763 The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability and validity of the Activities, Independent Research, Internship/Practica/Clinical, Laboratory, Online, Seminar, Standard Lecture, and Studio-Performance course forms of the Students' Assessment of...
Personality and preservice teacher success 2017 2137 Teacher education programs are required by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation to identify and assess dispositions of preservice teachers throughout the duration of their academic training. Teacher dispositions have been underst...
Defining resilience using the substantive scales of the MMPI-2-RF 2017 1702 Many individuals will experience trauma at some point in their lifetime (Connor, 2006). The ability to adapt and function well post-trauma is a dimensional, adaptive trait, commonly referred to as resilience (Masten, 2001). Research on this construct...
Moving psychopathology forward: combining a transdiagnostic and dimensional approach to clinical anxiety, depressive, and substance use constructs 2017 1627 The National Institute of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative calls for systemic efforts to integrate neurobehavioral traits into dimensional models of psychopathology (Nelson et al., 2016). Examples are needed of how RDoC constr...
Associations between posttraumatic stress symptomatology and lifestyle factors 2018 523 The current study examines the potential associations between symptoms accompanying Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and key lifestyle variables, including sleep components, nutrition, and general physical fitness. The purpose of this study is to...
Impact of a mindfulness intervention on perceived stress, depression, and anxiety in college students 2018 3266 Rates of anxiety and depression are increasing in young adults and college students (D’Amico, Mechling, Kemppainen, Ahem, & Lee, 2016). College is a time that can be filled with academic, financial, personal, and identity stressors. One potential way...
Comparing the Multidimensional Behavioral Health Screen to the PHQ-9 in predicting depression-related symptomatology in a primary medical care sample 2019 767 Depression is the most common form of psychopathology affecting people in the US. It is commonly diagnosed and treated in primary medical care settings, creating a need for a reliable, quick self-report tool used for the assessment of depression in t...
The MMPI-3 and personality correlates of maladaptive substance use 2021 1466 Maladaptive substance use is a serious, prevalent concern, with especially high prevalence rates found in the male and young adult populations. Research shows certain personality and psychopathology traits are strongly correlated with externalizing b...
The relationship among personality and job effectiveness in pediatric summer camp counselors 2010 2095 Pediatric summer camping is a comparatively recent development within the camping industry. These camps are designed to give chronically ill children, who are unlikely to be able to participate in a more traditional camping environment, a chance to e...
Personality differences in treatment seeking and non-treatment seeking individuals with self-reported anorexia 2011 3973 Most research on anorexia nervosa has focused on individuals who are currently seeking treatment and leads to many of the treatment models being based on individuals who are already receiving help. Therefore, this study explored personality differenc...
Personality and getting out the vote 2011 1763 Due in large part to the overlapping layers of federal, state, and local governments, the United States holds more elections than any other industrialized democracy in the world. Perhaps as a result, the U.S. also consistently has the lowest voter...
The Dark Tetrad empowered: the Dark Tetrad and power motivations within the normal personality space 2019 594 Within personality psychology there has been a surge in research regarding the Dark Tetrad of personality (Buckels, Jones, & Paulhus, 2014). This research has focused on the way these constructs are related to diverse variables of interest. The prese...
Associations between dimensional parenting style and adolescent personality and psychological dysfunction 2021 362 The current project examined the relationship between parenting style and adolescent personality and psychopathology. Adolescent traits and symptoms were measured by the MMPI-A-RF. Adolescents ages 13-17 (N = 172; 63% female) were administered MMPI-A...
Assessing eye movement dynamics of externalizing behaviors 2015 1016 The classification of mental disorders has generated enduring debate due to significantdiagnostic, treatment, and research implications. Recent neurobiologic and genetic discoverieshave underscored the limitations of the current categorical model and...
Eye-tracker correlates of MMPI-2-RF negative emotionality scales 2015 1376 The current study is designed to examine correlations between narrow band scales ofMMPI and physical indicators accessible to the eye tracker. Prior studies have shown that eyetrackers can pick up subtle differences in vision patterns which can relat...
Associations Between Perceived Burdensomeness and the MMPI-2-RF 2020 128 Introduction: Suicide is a substantial, universal concern, and within the United States it is among the leading causes of death (National Institute of Mental Health, 2019). Specifically, “suicide was the tenth leading cause of death overall in the Un...
Exploring the factor structure and correlates of capability for suicide 2023 186 Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States with approximately 50,000 deaths in 2019. According to the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS; Van Orden et al., 2010), a leading perspective in this area, there are three major const...
Enhancing the clinical utility of the MMPI-3 eating concerns scale 2021 301 Maladaptive eating behaviors are prevalent and are typically associated with significant impairment in functioning. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a commonly administered psychological assessment of personality and psychopa...
Associations between self-report measures of emotion regulation and performance-based measures of executive functioning 2023 168 Executive functioning (EF) is a crucial component of everyday functioning across many settings. Past research has examined ways in which emotions, including emotion dysfunction, are related to the processes of EF. Further, individual differences acro...
A five-factor model of psychosis with the MMPI-2-RF 2018 2063 A study by Schoenbaum (2017) found that individuals undergoing first-episode psychosis are 24 times more likely to die within a year of diagnosis than the general population. Recent research has found that dimensional models of psychopathology, as op...
Prompt and Practical Identification of Substance Misuse in Primary Medical Care 2020 135 Misuse of substances in the United States has serious consequences. According to a 2018 national survey, 20.3 million people had a substance use disorder and 21.2 million people needed treatment for their substance misuse (Substance Abuse and Mental ...
Associations Between Thwarted Belongingness and the MMPI-2RF 2020 195 Thwarted belongingness is a multidimensional construct that is composed of loneliness and the absence of reciprocally caring relationships and is a noted component of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (Van Orden et al., 2010). This construct is a d...
A Comparison of Commonly Used Suicide Risk Scales 2020 124 Suicidal ideation can be common in adolescents, with 6-month prevalence as high as 24% and a lifetime rate of about 29% (Fergusson, Woodward, & Howard, 2000). As such, screeners for depression are critical components of mental health treatment. The c...