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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
(T)here2022Blasko, Eli TaylorStudentArt and Design, WCU
T. S. Eliot’s debt to J. M. Robertson: a consideration of their critical theories as represe...2009Brammer, Jacky L. StudentEnglish, UNCG
“[T]hey, like inhumane creatures, laughed”: Calvinist Humor in A Narrative of the Captivity ...2019Lauzon, Autumn FacultyEnglish, UNCP
Table manners of leadership1988Holderness, Catherine DarrahStudentEducation, UNCG
Table Tennis [Book Chapter]2020Chu, Alan FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
A tachistoscopic recognition task with deaf and hearing adults1985Clark, Mary DianeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Tacitus’ Tiberius: The state of the evidence for the emperor’s Ipsissima Verba in the Annals...1997Wharton, David B.FacultyClassical Studies, UNCG
Tackling the Confusing Words of Strategy: Effective Use of Key Words for Publication Impact2014Wang, Zhonghui "Hugo"FacultyManagement, UNCG
Tackling drug resistant pathogenic fungi through antimicrobial nanostructured surfaces2020Kollu, Naga VenkateshStudentNanoscience, UNCG
Tackling Student Debt2023Atkinson, Bradley MStudentECU
A tactical reactionary : Andrew Furuseth and the 1915 La Follette Seamen's Act2023Betz, Jacob M.StudentECU
Tactile Demographics: Predicting Demographic Information Using Touch Data from Mobile Device...2023Williams, Baylea StudentECU
Tactile self monitoring of attention to decrease off-task behavior of adolescents with intel...2012Root, Jenny StudentSpecial Education, ECU
Tactile sense discrimination of six nursery school children1968Anderson, Marjorie GoffStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Tadpole Begging Behavior And Parent-Offspring Interactions In The Mimic Poison Frog2023Yoshioka, Miho StudentECU
TAG - YOU'RE IT! Conflict Management Skills2006Escott-Stump, Sylvia FacultyECU
Tai Chi And Kung-Fu Practice Maintains Physical Performance But Not Vascular Health In Young...2016McAnulty, Steven FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Tai chi chuan, health- related quality of life, and self-esteem: A randomized trial for brea...2004Gill, Diane L.FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Tai chi chuan, health- related quality of life, and self-esteem: A randomized trial for brea...2004Lang, David FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Tai Chi versus brisk walking in elderly women2006Appaneal, Renee NewcomerFacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Tail Conditional Expectations Based on Kumaraswamy Dispersion Models2021Ghosh, Indranil FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
A tailored nutrition intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in low-income Africa...2011Ingram, Kandis P.StudentNutrition, UNCG
Tainted Through Transfer: Dis/connective Residues in Mohsin Hamid's Contaminated Fiction2017Ocheltree, Diana ElisseStudentECU
Taizé: A Parable Of Community2015Forsyth, Ingrid StudentPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Take and Eat: Eve, Mary, and Feminist Christianity2010Diede, Martha FacultyCoulter Faculty Commons, WCU