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There are 56 record/s using the keyword/s: trauma.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Associations between posttraumatic stress symptomatology and lifestyle factors2018Hooker, Emily RayeStudentPsychology, WCU
Building resilient learners: how schools can identify students who have experienced trauma2020Ward, Sandy StudentHuman Services, WCU
Catharsis: stories2021Shefer, Ashlee M. StudentEnglish, UNCG
Components influencing craving in substance use disorders2014Baley, John WintersStudentPsychology, WCU
Defining resilience using the substantive scales of the MMPI-2-RF2017Haugh, Stephanie StudentPsychology, WCU
The Development Of The Secondary Trauma In Student Affairs Professionals Scale (STSAP)2018Lynch, Ph.D., Jason FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Domestic Violence Training Experiences and Needs Among Mental Health Professionals: Implicat...2016Murray, Christine E.FacultyCenter for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG
Dreaming after trauma: exploring the relationship of replicative and recurrent posttraumatic...2015Wagener, Alwin E.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
The effect of a maternal history of sexual abuse on support from the child's perspective fol...2019Styles-Turbyfill, Heather NicoleStudentPsychology, WCU
The effects of perceived social support and coping self-efficacy on trauma symptoms after a ...2011Pfeifer, Courtney JohannaStudentPsychology, WCU
An examination of the broader effects of warzone experiences on returning Iraq/Afghanistan v...2015Silvia, Paul FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Expanding the definition of rape acknowledgment and subsequent effects on risk sensitivity2022May, Casey StudentPsychology, UNCG
Exploring counselors’ learning and application of neuroscience in clinical trauma practice2024Tousey, Patricia H.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Growth after betrayal: interplay between event centrality, trauma symptoms, and positive per...2021Gralha, Marcia Cristina da SilvaStudentPsychology, WCU
Herstories of war: representations of silence in women's Vietnam/American war narratives2016Johnson, Alison M.StudentEnglish, UNCG
How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect Student Achievement And Overall School Experience I...2021Nicholson, Emily ChristinaStudentEducation - Student, ASU
"If You See Something"2022Weinberg, Susan FacultyEnglish, ASU
Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Resiliency, Trauma, Policy, and Practice2003Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Impact of trauma exposure: Vicarious traumatization and posttrauma growth among counselor tr...2020Wester, Kelly L.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Integrating Crisis Theory and Individual Psychology: An Application and Case Study2011Morris, Carrie A. WachterFacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
An Interdisciplinary Approach: Using Social Work Praxis To Develop Trauma Resiliency In Live...2019Lynch, Ph.D., Jason FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
The knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are foundational to prepare counselors-in-training...2018Land, Laura StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Letter From The Editor: Introduction to Volume 1, Issue 1 -- Journal of Trauma Studies in Ed...2022Lynch, Ph.D., Jason FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
La Línea De Tiempo Traumática De La Inmigración: La Representación De Los Efectos Perjudicia...2021Byrd, Madeline StudentLanguages, Literatures & Cultures - Student, ASU