Adlerian Profiles of College Student Drinkers |
2006 |
2013 |
The aim of this study was to identify Adlerian personality profiles that distinguish non-heavy episodic drinking college students from heavy, episodic drinking college students. The BASIS-A Inventory (Wheeler, Kern, & Curlette, 1993) and an anonymous... |
Assessing Counselors’ Self-Efficacy in Suicide Assessment and Intervention |
2015 |
6226 |
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs Standards state that counseling students must be adequately trained in suicide assessment and intervention. To evaluate how well students or practicing counselors are prepared, ... |
Career Counseling for Women Preparing to Leave Abusive Relationships: A Social Cognitive Career Theory Approach |
2009 |
6086 |
Career counselors work with people from varied segments of society. For battered women, some of the challenges they face from intimate partner violence may significantly influence their career exploration and decision making. Social cognitive career ... |
The case for interprofessional education in teacher education and beyond |
2017 |
2305 |
In many PreK-12 school environments, individuals with a variety of professional identities and roles provide services to students. Typically, these individuals are trained with minimal interaction with each other, yet they must work cooperatively wit... |
Crisis in the Curriculum? New Counselors' Crisis Preparation, Experiences, and Self-Efficacy |
2012 |
4348 |
Professional counselors are responsible for providing crisis assessment, referral, and intervention (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, 2009); however, little is known about their preparation and experiences in ... |
Crisis in the schools : crisis, crisis intervention training, and school counselor burnout |
2006 |
9800 |
"In the course of a school year, schools may face a number of crisis situations, including suicidality, child abuse and neglect, violence, and natural disasters that may impact individual students or create school-wide crises (Collins & Collins, 200... |
Crisis-Specific Peer Supervision of School Counselors: The P-SAEF Model |
2008 |
2266 |
School counselors are called upon to respond to an array of crisis situations involving the potential for imminent harm. Many school counselors report inadequate preparation for crisis intervention (Allen et al., 2002; King et al., 1999), and few sch... |
Developing skills in providing outreach programs: Construction and use of the POSE (Performance of Outreach Skills Evaluation) rubric. |
2011 |
2267 |
Rubrics, commonly used in classroom assessment, can be beneficial in assessing the performance of counseling outreach and presentation skills. A rubric to assess how well graduate students in counseling learned and demonstrated outreach presentation ... |
Empathy and care within engineering: qualitative perspectives from engineering faculty and practicing engineers |
2013 |
2798 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate how empathy and care look within an engineering context from the perspective of (1) existing literature (2) engineering faculty and (3) practicing engineers. The project employed three separate, but interr... |
Examining the academic and personal-social experiences of Latina/o children in southeastern U.S. rural, burgeoning Latino communities |
2005 |
2014 |
Between the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census several Southeastern states, largely void of a permanent Latino population prior to 1990, witnessed significantly large increases in the number of Latina/o residents, particularly in rural communities. This study... |
Expanding Capacity for Suicide Prevention: The ALIVE @ Purdue Train-the-Trainers Program |
2015 |
990 |
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students (National Mental Health Association & The Jed Foundation, 2002), with 1 in 10 college students reported having seriously considered suicide in the previous 12 months (American Colleg... |
Exploring School Counselor Burnout and School Counselor Involvement of Parents and Administrators through an Adlerian Theoretical Framework |
2008 |
3746 |
The purpose of this study was (a) to assess the relationship among Adlerian lifestyle themes and school counselors' choice to involve administrator or parent-guardian stakeholders when students present issues related to crisis or high-risk behaviors ... |
Functions and prevalence of self-directed violence in adolescence |
2020 |
813 |
The prevalence of self-directed violence (SDV) is increasing in adolescents. SDV, defined as behavior that is self-directed and deliberately results in actual injury or the potential for injury to self, includes both nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) an... |
The Impact of Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention on University Resident Assistants |
2013 |
2935 |
Resident assistants (RAs) can serve as important suicide prevention gatekeepers. The purpose of the study was to determine if training improved RAs’ crisis communications skills and suicide-related knowledge and to determine if the knowledge elements... |
Imposter phenomenon and research experiences among counselor educators |
2021 |
290 |
Content analysis was employed to explore research experiences and imposter phenomenon (IP) among 25 counselor educators. Six overarching categories emerged including inconsistent areas of efficacy in the research process, supports in conducting resea... |
Insights from industry: a quantitative analysis of engineers' perceptions of empathy and care within their practice |
2016 |
854 |
This study focuses on two seldom-investigated skills or dispositions aligned with engineering habits of mind – empathy and care. In order to conduct quantitative research, we designed, explored the underlying structure of, validated, and tested the r... |
Integrating Crisis Theory and Individual Psychology: An Application and Case Study |
2011 |
20378 |
Crisis intervention skills are essential tools for clinicians working with clients who are experiencing traumatic life events or are in a state of acute crisis. Although some early counseling theorists addressed interventions with the underlying psyc... |
The interaction of imposter phenomenon and research self-efficacy on counselor educator scholarly productivity |
2020 |
846 |
Research self-efficacy, imposter phenomenon, and scholarly productivity were explored among a sample of 247 counselor educators. In most cases, feeling like an imposter hindered scholarly productivity; however, the interaction of a moderate to freque... |
Making sense of subjectivity: Q Methodology in counseling research |
2018 |
2861 |
Q Methodology is a research method that focuses on systematically exploring individuals' subjective viewpoints. Q Methodology contains both quantitative and qualitative components and involves the exploration of an individual's internal and subjectiv... |
NSSI in the schools: A tiered prevention approach for reducing social contagion |
2017 |
2821 |
Despite rising rates and prevalence of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and growing awareness in schools of NSSI social contagion, little discussion has taken place regarding ways to prevent and react to this prevalent issue occurring among youth in a ... |
Pedagogy in Counselor Education: A 10-Year Content Analysis of Journals |
2014 |
3022 |
This content analysis includes 230 peer-reviewed articles regarding teaching and learning published in journals of the American Counseling Association and its divisions between January 2001 and December 2010. Results include examination of focus, ped... |
Pedagogy in Counselor Education: 2011–2015 Update |
2018 |
1237 |
This research update includes a quantitative content analysis of 133 peer-reviewed articles regarding teaching and learning published in 21 journals of the American Counseling Association and its divisions between January 2011 and December 2015. The ... |
Person-centered educational practices in an urban alternative high school: the Black male perspective |
2016 |
1061 |
This study used phenomenology/consensual qualitative research to investigate the experiences of six Black male students in an urban alternative high school that focused on person-centered and culturally relevant educational practices. Findings reveal... |
Preparing preservice English teachers and school counselor interns for future collaboration |
2010 |
997 |
The authors believe that by working together, teachers and school counselors can better support students and more effectively work for their success. In this article, we present our efforts in creating a collaborative class for preservice English tea... |
Preparing School Counselors to Address Concerns Related to Giftedness: A Study of Accredited Counselor Preparation Programs |
2010 |
2195 |
Professional school counselors are responsible for serving students across a wide range of cognitive ability, yet counselor educators may not attend to issues related to giftedness, such as how and when developmental phenomena may be experienced by h... |
Professional School Counseling Evaluation Rubric: Advocating for the Profession Through Awareness and Accountability |
2014 |
1493 |
Professional school counselors have been advocating for their role as counselors in the schools for decades (Galassi & Akos, 2007; Gysbers, 2002; Slaten & Baskin, 2013). Although researchers have addressed this concern through advocacy in service and... |
Promoting rigorous research using innovative qualitative approaches |
2021 |
1871 |
An increased understanding of research methodologies that can examine the outcomes or processes in counseling—as well as be inclusive of marginalized voices—is important in the counseling field. Understanding the components and interventions that are... |
A Qualitative Exploration of the STEM Career-Related Outcome Expectations of Young Adolescents |
2014 |
8810 |
Perceptions developed and choices made during the preadolescent and early adolescent years may restrict or enrich youth’s future career aspirations. These years are critical for acquiring and exploring academic and career-related interests. In additi... |
A Qualitative Investigation of the Referral Process From School Counselors to Mental Health Providers |
2010 |
1612 |
This qualitative study explores the referral process to mental health providers by school counselors, as perceived by school counselors. Using an open-ended survey instrument, school counselors were asked to describe the referral process, including p... |
SBIRT administered by mental health counselors for hospitalized adults with substance misuse or disordered use: Evaluating hospital utilization and costs |
2022 |
273 |
Objective: We analyzed the association of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) with hospitalizations, emergency department (ED) visits, and related costs, when administered to inpatients with substance misuse or disordered... |
School counselors and unified educator-counselor identity: A data informed approach to suicide prevention |
2021 |
2384 |
School counselors are vital in crisis prevention and intervention. In this article, we discuss the unified educator–counselor identity as it informs the suicide prevention work of school counselors, illustrated with a data-based case example from a q... |
School engagement and Interpersonal–Psychological Theory of Suicide: Identity groups differences |
2024 |
261 |
The Interpersonal–Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS) is a framework for understanding suicidality, yet there is little connection of IPTS to school environment, or exploration of this model within various populations. In this article, we conduct ... |
Special Educators and Nonsuicidal Self-Injurious Behavior: Self-Injury Training, Exposure, and Self-Efficacy |
2011 |
1604 |
Nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSIB) is one of the most perplexing and challenging behaviors special educators come across in their schools. Thus, there is a need for special educators to be equipped with information regarding NSSIB to help id... |
Suicide and Students With High-Incidence Disabilities: What Special Educators Need to Know |
2008 |
6497 |
The purpose of this article is threefold: To discuss suicide as it pertains to students diagnosed with high incidence disabilities.; To help special education teachers identify students at risk for suicide.; To identify how special educators can help... |
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Resident Assistants' Intention to Refer Students to Counseling |
2013 |
3676 |
GATEKEEPER TRAINING is an approach used to increase mental health-related assistance for students who are at risk for suicide. In this study, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TpB) was used to determine the strongest belief-related predictors of reside... |