Browse Author By Last Name - L

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There are 1978 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Leininger, Lea University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Lewallen, Lynne P.Nursing, UNCG Faculty
Lacey, Elizabeth P.Biology, UNCG Faculty
Logan, Cheryl A.Psychology, UNCG Faculty
Lewis, Michael E.Geography, UNCG Faculty
Liu, Zhi-Jun Geography, UNCG Faculty
Leise, Esther M.Biology, UNCG Faculty
Lajeunesse, Dennis R.Biology, UNCG Faculty
Lennartson, G. JayGeography, UNCG Faculty
Leyden, Dennis P.Economics, UNCG Faculty
Layson, Stephen K.Economics, UNCG Faculty
Link, Albert N.Economics, UNCG Faculty
Lowe, Kevin B.Management, UNCG Faculty
Lewis, Todd F.Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG Faculty
Luecht, Richard M.Educational Research Methodology, UNCG Faculty
Lashley, Carl A.Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Faculty
Leerkes, Esther M.Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG Faculty
Loo, George Nutrition, UNCG Faculty
Lindsey, Elizabeth W.Social Work, UNCG Faculty
LaParo, Karen M.Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG Faculty
Lovelady, Cheryl A.Nutrition, UNCG Faculty
Lundgren, Kristine Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG Faculty
Lovelace, Kay A.Public Health Education, UNCG Faculty
Leiper, Jacoba Nursing, UNCG Faculty
Letvak, Susan A.Adult Health Nursing, UNCG Faculty