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There are 25 record/s using the keyword/s: regulation .

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Alcohol Policies and Highway Vehicle Fatalities.1996Ruhm, Christopher JFacultyEconomics, UNCG
An analysis of nursing error among licensed nurses working in North Carolina using the taxon...2016Lewis, Jennifer GripperStudentNursing, UNCG
Business perceptions of regulative institutions in Central and Eastern Europe2010Kshetri, Nir B.FacultyManagement, UNCG
Cap and Trade: The New Boogeyman In America2009Brod, Andrew C.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Billington, Neil StudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Burgess, Stan A.StudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Chalovich, Joseph M.StudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Chantler, Peter D.StudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Colegrave, Melanie StudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Jung, Hyun SukStudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Knight, Peter J.StudentECU
Conservation of the regulated structure of folded myosin 2 in species separated by at least ...2011Patel, Hitesh StudentECU
The early diffusion of smart meters in the US electric power industry2017Strong, Derek RyanStudentEconomics, UNCG
Food for thought: An investigation of Food and Drug Administration reporting practices2005Holcomb, Jeff FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Impact of the North Carolina Board of Nursing Regulation Change on Clinical Nurse Specialis...2015Ross, Amelia StudentECU
Maternal interactive style across contexts: Relations to emotional, behavioral and physiolog...1998Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Nurse practitioner perceptions regarding the impact of regulatory requirements for physicia...2012Lowery, Bobby D.StudentNursing, ECU
Patterns of RSA and observed distress during the still-face paradigm predict later attachmen...2018Leerkes, Esther M.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Physiological and behavioral regulation in two-year-old children with aggressive/destructive...2000Calkins, Susan D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Predicting behavioral outcomes from reactivity and regulation and the role of social prefere...2011Morris, Nneka StudentPsychology, UNCG
Predicting early peer acceptance from toddler peer behavior2007Reavis, Rachael DiannaStudentPsychology, UNCG
Regulation Of Renal Organic AnionTransporter 3 (SLC22A8) Expression And Function By The Int...2013Cecile, Jennifer FacultyChemistry, ASU
SMF-1, SMF-2, SMF-3 DMT-1 orthologues regulate and are regulated differentially by manganese...2009Erikson, Keith M.FacultyNutrition, UNCG
Synergy of L-arginine and growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide (GHRP-2) stimulation of GH i...2000Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG
Synergy of L-arginine and growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide-2 (GHRP-2) stimulation of GH...2000Wideman, Laurie FacultyKinesiology, UNCG