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There are 17669 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Locating Hazardous Waste Facilities: The Influence of NIMBY Beliefs1994Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Role of Social Distrust in Risk-Benefit Analysis: A Study of the Siting of a Hazardous W...1997Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Testing for Non-Response And Sample Selection Bias in Contingent Valuation: Analysis of a Co...1993Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Early Entry in the NBA Draft: The Influence of Unraveling, Human Capital, and Option Value2007Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Positive Assortative Mating and Spouses as Complementary Factors of Production: A Theory of ...2010Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Exit Discrimination in the NBA: A Duration Analysis of Career Length2004Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Time on Camera: An Alternative Explanation of NASCAR Tournaments2011Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums: Public Choice or Civic Pride2004Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Dilemma of Choosing Talent: Michael Jordans are Hard to Find2009Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Retail competition in electricity supply—Survey results in North Carolina2012Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Development and Estimation of a Latent Choice Multinomial Logit Model with Application t...2011Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Effects Of Air Quality Regulations On The Location Decisions Of Pollution-Intensive Manu...2009Morgan, Ashton FacultyEconomics, ASU
Loss Aversion And A Kinked Demand Curve: Evidence From Contingent Behaviour Analysis Of Seaf...2008Morgan, Ashton FacultyEconomics, ASU
Estimating A Payment Vehicle For Financing Nourishment Of Residential Beaches Using A Spatia...2010Morgan, Ashton FacultyEconomics, ASU
Wind Turbines and Coastal Recreation Demand2012Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Effects of Information about Invasive Species on Risk Perception and Seafood Demand by Gende...2010Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Willingness To Pay For A Green Energy Program: A Comparison Of Ex-Ante And Ex-Post Hypotheti...2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Combining Willingness to Pay and Behavior Data with Limited Information2005Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring Recreation Benefits of Quality Improvements with Revealed and Stated Behavior Data...2000Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Resource Quality Information and Validity of Willingness to Pay in Contingent Valuation1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Temporal Reliability of Willingness to Pay from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and...2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marsh with Revealed and Stated Prefer...2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Sea-Level Rise Research and Dialogue in North Carolina: Creating Windows for Policy Change2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Green vs. Green: Measuring the Compensation Required to Site Electrical Generation Windmills...2008Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Construct Validity of Dichotomous and Polychotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Convergent Validity of Revealed and Stated Recreation Behavior with Quality Change: A Compar...2010Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Environmental Risk and Averting Behavior: Predictive Validity of Jointly Estimated Revealed ...2005Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Weathering the Storm: Measuring Household Willingness-to-Pay for Risk-Reduction in Post-Katr...2011Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurricane Katrina Survivors2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
A Comparison of Contingent Valuation Method and Random Utility Model Estimates of the Value ...2006Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements through Joint Estimation wit...2006Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Part-Whole Bias in Contingent Valuation: Will Scope Effects Be Detected with Inexpensive Sur...1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Specification Bias in Contingent Valuation from Omission of Relative Price Variables1994Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring Contingent Values for Wetlands: Effects of Information about Related Environmental...1991Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Willingness to Pay for Submerged Maritime Cultural Resources2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Value of Public Goods from Sport Stadiums: The CVM Approach2000Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Production of Health and the Valuation of Medical Inputs in Wage-Amenity Models2000Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Value of Public Goods Generated by a Major League Sports Team: The CVM Approach2001Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Using Contingent Valuation to Measure the Compensation Required to Gain Community Acceptance...1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
A Contingent Valuation Estimate of the Benefits of Wolves in Minnesota2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Willingness to Pay to Remove Billboards and Improve Scenic Amenities2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Economic Effects of Pfiesteria2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
One Million Dollars per Mile?: The Opportunity Costs of Hurricane Evacuation2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
From Hopeless to Curious?: Thoughts on Hausman’s “Dubious to Hopeless” Critique of Contingen...2013Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Willingness To Pay For Downtown Public Goods Generated By Large, Sports-Anchored Development...2012Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate: A Hedonic Property Model Appr...2011Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Estimating Environmental Benefits Of Natural Hazard Mitigation With Data Transfer: Results F...2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise On Shore Fishing2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Individual and Institutional Determinants of the Male Female Wage Gap Among U.S. Economics F...2011Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Pigouvian Tax Aversion and Inequity Aversion in the Lab2010Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU