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There are 53 record/s using the keyword/s: youth.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Adolescent Free time Activity and Its Relationships with Perceptions of Parenting and Intrin...2019Lubben, Isaiah ChristopherStudentECU
Adolescent to adult HIV health care transition from the perspective of adult providers in th...2017Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Adrift2007Oliphant, Kirsten StudentEnglish, UNCG
Advancing a participatory approach for youth risk behavior: Foundations, distinctions, and r...2013Yang, Zhiyong FacultyMarketing, UNCG
Anti-oppression self-expression: An a/r/tographic understanding of Black and Brown youth's c...2022Schmidt, Alayna MykalStudentHuman Services, WCU
Are Community Violence-Exposed Youth at Risk of Engaging in Delinquent Behavior? A Review an...2014Washington, Tyreasa FacultySocial Work, UNCG
The Benefits Of Camp: Necessity Of The Outdoors And Community In The Digital Age2018Pharr, Annie StudentRecreation Management and Phys. Ed. - Student, ASU
Challenges to HIV management among youth engaged in HIV care2017Tanner, Amanda ElizabethFacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Childhood resilience of African American school leaders2014Hauser, Angella StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Climate Art As Disruption: Making Space For Transformation2019Fishman, Chloe StudentSustainable Development - Student, ASU
Considering intervention efficacy: the effect of a pre-shot routine on competitive youth gol...2010Thomas, Jennifer A.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Cool Kids Never Have the Time: The Music of the Smashing Pumpkins and Youth of the 1990s2008Starkie, Zachary J.StudentMusic, UNCG
Descriptive study of TPSR values and life skills acquired in Project effort and through othe...2011Meléndez, Anthony StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Differences in meal patterns of African American adolescents of varied hypertension risk2009Flint, Tara LynnStudentNutrition, UNCG
Effects of Emotional Symptoms on Pain and Social Functioning in Youth with Sickle Cell Disea...2016Knox, Brianna JStudentECU
The effects of prices and policies on the demand for marijuana: Evidence from the national h...1999Bray, Jeremy W.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Engaging Youth through Photovoice2004Strack, Robert W.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Espacios vedados y héroes desvalidos: La niña de luto y el cine español de los años sesenta2009Sotomayor, Carmen T.FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Ethnic-racial socialization, proactive coping with discrimination, and Latinx youth’s psycho...2022Salcido, Valerie V.StudentPsychology, UNCG
An evaluation of an after-school soccer program for at-risk sixth grade boys using the TPSR ...2013Cryan, Mark B.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
The examination of a teaching personal and social responsibility soccer program through the ...2022Rose, Sari StudentKinesiology, UNCG
The exploration of TPSR practitioners’ implementation of culturally relevant pedagogies2021Pinkerton, Brittany B.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Field Ecology: A Modest, but Imaginable, Contestation of Neoliberal Science Education2016Carlone, Heidi B. FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Field Ecology: A Modest, but Imaginable, Contestation of Neoliberal Science Education2016Matthews, Catherine E.FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Field Ecology: A Modest, but Imaginable, Contestation of Neoliberal Science Education2016Journell, Wayne FacultyTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG