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There are 30 record/s using the keyword/s: autism.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
An analysis of school district demographic and dispute factors affecting services for studen...2012White, Mary LoydStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Art Therapy And Autism: Listening To Voices And Critiquing Art Therapy Through Materials And...2020Kirk, Samantha StudentArt - Student, ASU
Autism: The Effects of a Label on Social Acceptability and Desirability of a Child2013DeLustro, Laura MarieStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Can Genetic Research Involvement Motivate Parents to Pursue CMA Genetic Testing for Children...2017Floyd, Augustus EvanderStudentECU
Comparing Mathematics Abilities of Children with Autism in Middle School Self-Contained Sett...2012Vignali, Lori StudentSpecial Education, UNCP
The Development of Face Processing Deficits in Autism: A Meta-Analytic Review2020Robinson, Demi StudentECU
Disparities in autism diagnosis for children: Impact of race, gender, and SES2024Morris, Jeramine StudentPsychology, WCU
The effects of auditory-motor mapping training on speech output of nonverbal elementary age ...2016Massey, Sara MillerStudentMusic Education, UNCG
The effects of instrumental music instruction on the neurophysiological responses and adapti...2018Chinn Cannon, Michelle L.StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
The effects of nicotine and methylphenidate on abnormal behaviors in reelin deficient mice: ...2009Ladrow, Pamela StudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effects of a Supplemental Therapeutic Aquatic Exercise Program on the Physical Fitness L...2012Miller, Sara StudentRecreational Therapy Administration, ECU
Environmental risk factors for autism2010Dietert, Janice M.StudentECU
Environmental risk factors for autism2010Dietert, Rodney R.StudentECU
Environmental risk factors for autism2010Dewitt, Jamie C.StudentECU
Environmental risk factors for autism2011Dietert, Rodney R.,Dietert,Janice M.,Dewitt,Jamie C.StudentECU
Finding 25 hours: a single-subject study of engagement for families of children with autism2019Yucha, Sarah NoelStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
Further Evaluation Of The Trial-Based Functional Analysis2016Standish, Cassandra StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The impact of child symptom severity and stress on school satisfaction among parents of chil...2014Nesbit, Erica LynnStudentPsychology, WCU
Middle school students’ beliefs about unfamiliar peers with autism: examining gender differe...2021Dennis, Nicole DawnStudentPsychology, WCU
An Observational Comparison of the TEACCH and the VBA classroom models for children with Au...2014Monney, Kofi,A StudentECU
Perceptions and experiences of mothers who have children with autism spectrum disorders: cro...2013Kamei, Ai StudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Personality differences in autistic and typically developing children2010Fortenberry, Carrie LaneStudentPsychology, WCU
Personality factors and their influence on autism spectrum therapist burnout and job satisfa...2011Hurt, Amy A.StudentPsychology, WCU
A Phenomenological Inquiry Into Systemic Music Therapy to Accompany the Grief Journey of a ...2013Rayburn, Allison D.StudentMusic - Student, ASU