Submissions (Research Data)
NC DOCKS is now partnering with UNC Chapel Hill's Odum Insititute to host research data. This partnership offers the following advantages
- no cost to ECU faculty
- integration with NC DOCKS
- automatic indexing of tabular data
- automatic conversion of tabular data to multiple formats
- redundant, geographically distributed back ups
- cross searchability with thousands of other datasets (primarily in the social sciences)
- long term storage of your data
- ability to control the degree of access others have to your data
- ability to update datasets and keep track of multiple versions
The Joyner Library believes that the NC DOCKS / Odum partnership will ably fulfill the data management plan requirements that are now commonly being mandated by granting agencies. For assistance in writing a data management plan, or with uploading your dataset to NC DOCKS / Odum, please contact Songyao (Samuel) Chen.
Each data submission should be accompanied by the Odum Institute Data Archive
Data Deposit Form.