Keynote Speaker: Governor Jim Hunt

ECU Author/Contributor (non-ECU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Gov. Jim Hunt (Creator)
East Carolina University (ECU )
Web Site:

Abstract: Governor Hunt described his experiences during Hurricane Floyd which was the worst natural disaster to hit the area in recorded history. He spoke about the need to find out how to be better prepared in the future. During the recovery he was flying out every day to communities. FEMA did a lot but not enough so he threatened to call President Bill Clinton. He went to Congress and they said come back later but he persisted. He wore out President Clinton asking for money for North Carolina. He pushed and raised cane and told the human stories. He described how a lake filled up in one day and how water was covering I-95. From a helicopter he saw caskets floating in Lenoir County and the death of millions of chickens and hogs.

Additional Information

Greenville NC: East Carolina University
Language: English
Date: 2013
Hurricane, emergency management, emergency disaster

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