Browse Author By Last Name - V

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There are 288 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Vaccharajani, Tushar ECU Student
Vachet, Richard W.ECU Student
Vahdati, Ali ECU Student
Vahedian-Azimi, Amir ECU Student
Vahedian-Azimi, Amir ECU Student
Vahedian‑Azimi, Amir,Bashar,Farshid R.,Khan,Abbas M.,Miller,Andrew C.ECU Student
Vahedian‑Azimi, Amir,Bashar,Farshid R.,Khan,Abbas M.,Miller,Andrew C.ECU Student
Vahora, Zahid ECU Student
Vaidya, Jayant S,Wenz,Frederik,Bulsara,Max,Tobias,Jeffrey S,JosepECU Student
Vail, John EdwardsTechnology Systems, ECU Student
Vaillant, Colette ECU Student
Vajda, Karen ECU Student
Valcin, Mariot ECU Student
Valcin, Mariot,Jr ECU Student
Valderas, Michelle ECU Student
Valencia, Ana P.ECU Student
Valencia, Ana P.,Iyer,Shama R.,Spangenburg,Espen E.,Gilotra,MohiECU Student
Valencia, Sonia ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick M.ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick M.ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick M.ECU Faculty
Vallabhaneni, Meghana ECU Student
Valnickova, Zuzana ECU Student
Valnickova, Zuzana ECU Student
Valvano, Christopher FECU Student
Valvano, Christopher F.ECU Student
Van, Cooten SuzanneECU Student
Van, Dross Rukiyah T.ECU Student
Van, Dyke Thomas E.ECU Student
Van, Eyk Jason J.ECU Student
Van, Scott Michael R.ECU Student
Van Amerson, Henry. ECU Student
van Biljon, A,McKune,A J,DuBose,K D,Kolanisi,U,Semple,S JECU Student
Van De Kerchove, Ruben ECU Student
van den Heuvel, Lieke M.ECU Student
van der Heide, T. ECU Student
van Diepen, Frank ECU Student
van Dodewaard, Caitlin A.ECU Student
van Dodewaard, Caitlin A.M.ECU Student
van Dodewaard, Caitlin A.M.ECU Student
van Dodewaard, Caitlin A.M.ECU Student
Van Dross, Rukiyah ECU Student
Van Dross, Rukiyah ECU Student
Van Dross, Rukiyah ECU Student
Van Dyke, Thomas E.ECU Student
Van Holt, Tracy ECU Student
Van Hooren, Bas,Fuller,Joel T.,Buckley,Jonathan D.,Miller,Jayme R.,Sewell,KerrECU Student
Van Horn, Jessy ECU Student
Van Houtven, Courtney ECU Student
Van Laere, Steven ECU Student
Van Leeuwen, Peter ECU Student
Van Meter, Jessica ECU Student
Van Niekerk, Lana ECU Student
Van Petegem, Filip ECU Student
Van Riper, James KECU Student
van Scheltinga, Sheila TerwisschaECU Student
Van Scott, Michael ECU Student
Van Scott, Michael RECU Student
Van Scott, Michael R.ECU Student
Van Scott, Michael R.ECU Student
van Staveren, Meg ECU Student
Van Tan, Nguyen ECU Student
Van Taylor, James. ECU Student
Van Tilburg, Hans ECU Student
Van Tilburg, Hans ECU Student
Van Tilburg, Hans KonradECU Student
Van Tilburg, Hans KonradECU Student
Van Vaerenbergh, Matthias ECU Student
Van Wagoner, Philip ECU Student
Van Wart, Scott ECU Student
VanBuskirk, Kaylabeth GudacECU Student
Vance, David J.ECU Student
Vance, Samuel ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.ECU Student
Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.ECU Student
Vanderbye, Aaron ECU Student
VanderJeugdt, Brian ECU Student
VanderLaan, Paul A.ECU Student
VanderLaan, Paul A.ECU Student
Vanderpool, Rebecca R.ECU Student
Vandock, Kurt ECU Student
VanDusen, Amberlynne E.ECU Student
Vanek, Kevin Art, ECU Student
Vang, Adam ECU Student
Vang, Jerry XaiECU Student
Vang, Jerry XaiECU Student
Vang, Katie ECU Student
Vanguri, Rami ECU Student
VanHoy, Carley ECU Student
VanHoy, Garrett ParksECU Student
Vann, Iulia ECU Student
Vann, Julie C. JacobsonECU Student
Vanosdall, Cheryl ECU Student
VanRaemdonck, Lisa ECU Student
Varady, Robert G.ECU Student
Vargas, Amandine ECU Student
Vargas, Daniel EECU Student
Vargas, Daniel E.ECU Student
Varikuti, Sanjay ECU Student
Varju, Eliza ECU Student
Varju, Eliza V.ECU Student
Varlashkin, Charlotte M.ECU Student
Varma, Deepthi S.ECU Student
Varma, Niraj ECU Student
Varnell, Drew TECU Student
Vasalech, Crystal Anthropology, ECU Student
Vasil, Michael L.ECU Student
Vasilevko, Vitaly ECU Student
Vassallo, Anna ECU Student
Vaughan, Thomas ECU Student
Vaughan-Batten, Heather ECU Student
Vaught, Arthur JasonECU Student
Vazquez-Mellado, Janitzia ECU Student
Veach, A. MECU Student
Veale, Jeffrey L.ECU Student
Veale, Jeffrey L.ECU Student
Veale, Jeffrey L.ECU Student
Veatch, Andrea ECU Student
Vega, Felix ECU Student
Veis, Deborah J.ECU Student
Veitia, Marie ECU Student
Velappan, Keerthana ECU Student
Velarde, Kandi ECU Student
Velarde, Kandi ECU Student
Velarde, Kandi ECU Student
Velasco, Christina ECU Student
Velez, Laura ElenaECU Student
Veliz, Phil ECU Student
Velte, Ellen KayECU Student
Veltkamp, Roland ECU Student
Venable, Jonathan WECU Student
Vences, Miguel ECU Student
Venegas, Pablo JECU Student
Venegas, Pablo JECU Student
Vengosh, Avner ECU Student
Venkatramani, Rajkumar ECU Student
Venkatramani, Rajkumar ECU Student
Venkatramani, Rajkumar ECU Student
Venook, Alan P.ECU Student
Ventura, Aprel FloydECU Student
Venturi, Vittorio ECU Student
Venuto, Alexandra ECU Student
Venuto, Alexandra ECU Student
Venuto, Alexandra ECU Student
Vepachedu, Venkata R.ECU Student
Vepachedu, Venkata R.ECU Student
Vepachedu, Venkata RamanaECU Student
Verbanac, Kathryn ECU Student
Verbanac, Kathryn M.ECU Student
Verbanac, Kathryn M.ECU Student
Verbanac, Kathryn M.ECU Student
Verbesey, Jennifer ECU Student
Verbesey, Jennifer ECU Student
Verdery, Ashton M.ECU Student
VergaraArrieta, Humberto J.ECU Student
Verhoeven, Nicolas ECU Student
Verma, Nidhi ECU Student
Verma, Vivek ECU Student
Vestal, Joshua ECU Student
Vetter, Betsy ECU Student
Vezzu, Dileep Atchyuth KumarECU Student
Vgontzas, Alexandros NECU Student
Vicars, Thomas Martin.ECU Student
Vick, Joshua ECU Student
Vick, Joshua ReidECU Student
Vick, Nicholas English, ECU Student
Vick, Stephen Biology: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, ECU Student
Vidal, Adriana C.ECU Student
Vidanapathirana, Achini KECU Student
Vidanapathirana, Achini KushanthiECU Student
Vidanapathirana, AK,Thompson,LC,Odom,J,Holland,NA,Sumner,SJ,Fennell ECU Student
Vijayakumar, Sarath ECU Student
Vilgalys, R. ECU Student
Vilkomir, Aleksei ECU Student
Villani, Sophia MarieECU Student
Villarreal, Carmen ECU Student
Villodas, Feion ECU Student
Vincent, Timothy S.ECU Student
Vincent, Vinh-Hung ECU Student
Vinh-Hung, Vincent ECU Student
Vinh-Hung, Vincent ECU Student
Vinh-Hung, Vincent ECU Student
Vinh-Hung, Vincent ECU Student
Vinh-Hung, Vincent ECU Student
Vinh-Hung, Vincent ECU Student
Vinogradov, Amanda ECU Student
Vinogradov, Amanda ECU Student
Vinogradov, Amanda ECU Student
Vinogradov, Sergey M.ECU Student
Vinolas, Steven JorgeECU Student
Vinson, Kaitlyn E.ECU Student
Vinson, Krystle ECU Student
Vintinner-Wallace, Mary EllenECU Student
Virag, Jitka ECU Student
Virag, Jitka ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A.ECU N/A
Virag, Jitka A.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A.ECU N/A
Virag, Jitka A.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A. I.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A. I.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A. I.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A.I.ECU Student
Virag, Jitka A.I.,Lust,Robert M.ECU Student
Viscardi, Chelsea,Kolasa,Kathryn MECU Student
Viscardi, Chelsea,Kolasa,Kathryn MECU Student
Viscomi, Jessica SofiaECU Student
Viswanathan, Riya ECU Student
Vitale, Michael ECU Student
Vithayathil, Mathew ECU Student
Vitiello, Katie L.ECU Student
Vitt, Pati ECU Student
Viverette, Elizabeth GECU Student
Vo, Richard AECU Student
Vock, Jacqueline ECU Student
Vock, Jacqueline ECU Student
Vock, Jacqueline ECU Student
Vodicka, Sherée ECU Student
Vodicka, Sheree ECU Student
Vodopich, Darrell Stowe.ECU Student
Vogel, Rosalie M.(Rosalie Marie),1943-ECU Student
Vogel, Thomas J.ECU Student
Voggt, Ashley ECU Student
Vogt, Christine A.ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen A.ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen A.ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen A.ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen A.ECU Student
Vohra, Nasreen A.,Kachare,Swapnil D.,Vos,Paul,Schroeder,Bruce F.,ECU Student
Voigt, Robert CarlECU Student
Voils, Corrine I.ECU Student
Volkan, Joshua KECU Student
Volkan, Joshua K.ECU Student
Volpe, Leah CECU Student
vom, Saal Frederick S.ECU Student
VonderEmbse, Annalise NoelleECU Student
Vonderembse, Annalise NoelleECU Student
Vonesh, James R.ECU Student
Vonesh, James R.ECU Student
Vonesh, James R.ECU Student
VonHilsheimer, Tessa English, ECU Student
Vora, Anup,Agarwal,Vidhi,Singh,Prabhjot,Patel,Rupen,Riva ECU Student
Vora, Moiz ECU Student
Vora, Moiz ECU Student
Vore, S. ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul ECU Student
Vos, Paul,Anaya-Izquierdo,Karim ECU Student
Voss, Christine M.ECU Student
Voss, Christine M.ECU Student
Voss, Christine M.,Christian,Robert R.,Morris,James T.ECU Student
Voss, Emerson ECU Student
Votava-Smith, Jodie ECU Student
Voytas, Daniel F.ECU Student
Vrkljan, Brenda ECU Student
Vu, Giang T.ECU Student
Vu, Maihan B.ECU Student
Vu, Maihan B.ECU Student
Vu, Maihan B.ECU Student
Vuchenich, Michelle ECU Student
Vujaskovic, Zeljko ECU Student
Vuncannon, Jackson ECU Student
Vuppalanchi, Raj ECU Student
Vyas, Jayati ECU Student
Vyas, Jayati SECU Student