Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - U

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Utilizing Ultrasound Elastography to Examine the Material Properties of the Interosseous Mem...2018Kubit, Ashley NicoleStudentECU
Using LC/MS to Quantify Metabolites in Urine Samples Post Clinical Exposure to Benzoates in ...2018Worthington, Cameron StudentECU
Understanding the Experience and Management of Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Breast Cancer Sur...2018Furnari, Sarah StudentECU
Understanding the Risk Perception of Commercial Fishermen2018Bly, Francis EStudentECU
Understanding Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator Use and Activity Level in Pediatric Popula...2018Huber, Nichelle LStudentECU
Using Fluorescence and Infrared Spectroscopy to Analyze the Interaction of Disaccharides wi...2018Angermeier, Tori MarenaStudentECU
Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms that Contribute to Parkinson's Disease: Defining the ...2018Washington, James StudentECU
Using Drones in Disaster Areas: Perspectives of Disaster Responders in North Carolina , Vir...2018Tanner, Victoria StudentECU
The Union Soldier Monument Controversy at the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site2018Wetterhahn, Dale RStudentECU
uantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging2018Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
uantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging2018Tian, Peng StudentECU
uantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging2018Chen, Cheng StudentECU
uantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging2018Jin, Jiahong StudentECU
uantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging2018Hong, Heng StudentECU
uantitative characterization of turbidity by radiative transfer based reflectance imaging2018Lu, Jun Q.StudentECU
Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Resident Stress During Central Venous Catheter Simula...2019Robbins, Adelaide StudentECU
Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Resident Stress During Central Venous Catheter Simula...2019March, Juan StudentECU
Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Resident Stress During Central Venous Catheter Simula...2019Russoniello, Carmen StudentECU
Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Resident Stress During Central Venous Catheter Simula...2019Robey, Walter StudentECU
Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Resident Stress During Central Venous Catheter Simula...2019Brewer, Kori StudentECU
Utilizing Community Learning Exchanges to Empower All Voices and Strengthen Community Engage...2019Richardson Garcia, Lori StudentECU
Using Social Media to Improve Communication with Stakeholders in a Local School District2019Locklear, Joshua D.StudentECU
Using Dialogic Reading to Foster a Growth Mindset in Early Elementary Students2019Murdock, Jenna StudentECU
Understanding Sexual Assault Victimization Among College Men: A Mixed Methods Approach2019Downs, Emily MStudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Tran, Tuan D.StudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Amin, Aenia StudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Jones, Keith G.StudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Sheffer, Ellen M.StudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Ortega, Lidia StudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Dolman, Keith StudentECU
Using Heart Rate Variability to Assess Resident Stress During Central Venous Catheter Simula...2019Robbins, Adelaide SStudentECU
(Un)Becoming2019Atkinson, Adam StudentECU
Using screen video capture software to aide and inform cognitive interviewing2012Chaney, Beth H.,Barry,Adam E.,Chaney,J. Don,Stellefson,Michael StudentECU
Understanding Racial Disparities in Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Considering t...2020Park, Yoo Min,Kwan,Mei-PoStudentECU
Uptake of and resistance to the antibiotic berberine by individual dormant, germinating and ...2015Wang, Shiwei,Yu,Jing,Suvira,Milomir,Setlow,Peter,Li,Yong StudentECU
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the Academic Library: A Methodology for Mapping Multi...2015Webb, Katy Kavanagh,Hoover,JeanneStudentECU
Una adelfa en tierras extrañas emblemática y misoginia en la "Comedia famosa de los guanch...2017Lorenzo Dominguez, Javier StudentECU
Using geometry to select one dimensional exponential families that are monotone likelihood r...2014Vos, Paul,Anaya-Izquierdo,Karim StudentECU
Using the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pyg...2014Loudon, James E,Grobler,J Paul,Sponheimer,Matt,Moyer,Kimberly,LoStudentECU
Use of Short Messaging Service to Improve Follow-Up for Abnormal Pap Test Results in Minorit...2019Romocki, LaHoma Smith,Marais,Andrea Des,Cofie,Leslie,Anderson,ChelStudentECU
Use of Multifactorial Treatments to Address the Challenge of Translating Experimental Myocar...2019Horton, Julie L.,Virag,JitkaStudentECU
Understanding the Loss of Maternal Care in Avian Brood Parasites Using Preoptic Area Transcr...2019Lynch, Kathleen S.,O’Connell,Lauren A.,Louder,Matthew I. M.,BalaStudentECU
Using Gamification and Social Incentives to Increase Physical Activity and Related Social Co...2019Mo, Dandan,Xiang,Mi,Luo,Mengyun,Dong,Yuanyuan,Fang,Yue StudentECU
Use of Antibiotics in Viral Upper Respiratory Infections in the Primary Care Setting2020Futrell, Heather StudentECU
The use of non-uniform drowning terminology: a follow-up study2017Schmidt, Andrew C.,Sempsrott,Justin R.,Szpilman,David,Queiroga,AnaStudentECU
Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse path...2017Doublet, Vincent,Poeschl,Yvonne,Gogol-Döring,Andreas,Alaux M.,Bedoya-Reina,Oscar C.,Brown,Mark J. F.,Bull,JamStudentECU
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Tran, Tuan D.,Amin,Aenia,Jones,Keith G.,Sheffer,Ellen M.,OrteStudentECU
Understanding Blackout Drinking Among Young Adults via Twitter2020Meitrodt, Jillian StudentECU