Doris Bazzini Ph.D

Dr. Bazzini's interests include Romantic attraction; Beautiful-is-good Stereotype; Media's impact on body image in women Relationship-maintenance processes.

There are 19 included publications by Doris Bazzini Ph.D:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Aging Woman in Popular Film: Underrepresented, Unattractive, Unfriendly, and Unintelligent 1997 9344 The present study examined 100 top-grossing motion pictures spanning from the 1940s through the 1980s (20 movies from each decade). Eight hundred and twenty-nine characters were rated on attractiveness, character goodness, intelligence, friendline...
Alcohol in the Movies: Characteristics of Drinkers and Nondrinkers in Films from 1940-1989 1999 4421 We examined depictions of alcohol use in 100 popular films spanning 5 decades. Drinkers were depicted as more attractive, more romantically/sexually active, more aggressive, and having a higher socioeconomic status than nondrinkers. No systematic cha...
Are the Beautiful Good in Hollywood? An Investigation of the Beauty and Goodness Stereotype on Film 1999 12740 Physically attractive individuals are often viewed more favorably than unattractive people on dimensions that are weakly related or unrelated to physical looks, such as intelligence, sociability, and morality. Our study investigated the role of U.S....
Do Animated Disney Characters Portray and Promote the Beauty-Goodness Stereotype? 2010 33636 Disney movies are frequently cited as a source of the what-is-beautiful-is-good stereotype. Two studies (a) assessed prevalence of the stereotype across animated Disney movies; and (b) examined whether exposure to such films influences children's jud...
Do Animated Disney Characters Portray and Promote the Beauty–Goodness Stereotype? 2010 2863 The films of Walt Disney have served as icons of childhood over the last century. The Disney Corporation’s success is evidenced in its financial fortitude. In 1995, Walt Disney Company had the biggest market share, relative to the number of releases,...
The Effect of Reminiscing about Laughter on Relationship Satisfaction 2007 14459 Despite independent evidence that reminiscing about positive events has positive emotional benefits, and that laughter plays a role in seemingly successful relationships, there is a lack of empirical research examining how reminiscing about laughter ...
Examining “fat talk” experimentally in a female dyad: How are women influenced by another woman's body presentation style? 2007 4854 Fat talk, the verbal dissatisfaction that women express about their bodies, was studied in a female dyad whereby participants interacted with a female confederate who either self-derogated, self-accepted, or self-aggrandized. A 2 (participant body es...
Fat talk and self-presentation of body image: Is there a social norm for women to self-degrade? 2006 9887 The current investigations build upon previous ethnographic research, which identified a social norm for adolescent females to engage in “fat talk” (informal dialogue during which individuals express body dissatisfaction). In Study 1, participants we...
Gender Differences in Fat Talk Among American Adults: Results from the Psychology of Size Survey 2009 5596 Vignettes were used to assess gender differences in likelihood of hearing others engage in and perceived pressure to join in positive, negative (fat talk), and self-accepting body talk. An age-representative sample of 4,014 adult women and men volunt...
Gender, Sexual Experience, and the Sexual Double Standard: Evaluations of Female Contraceptive Behavior 2001 4253 The purpose of the present research was to compare men’s and women’s perceptions of female contraceptive behavior and investigate the relationship between sexual experience and these perceptions. One hundred forty-six predominantly Caucasion males...
Genre of Music and Lyrical Content: Expectation Effects 1999 35310 This study was designed to examine whether people's expectations differ regarding how music lyrics affect individual behavior as a function of music genre. Because legislative attention and media publicity have been biased against certain types of po...
Investigating the Social-Adjustive and Value-Expressive Functions of Well-Grounded Attitudes: Implications for Change and for Subsequent Behavior 1995 7549 Recent demonstrations of the plausibility of functional theories of persuasion have occurred within advertising contexts or have targeted potentially nebulous or uninvolving attitudes, and may thus have demonstrated the utility of functional expla...
Peer pressure to “Fat talk”: Does audience type influence how women portray their body image? 2007 6130 “Fat talk” describes women discussing their bodies disparagingly for impression management while interacting with one another. This study examined whether college females deliberately alter their self-reported body image according to characteristics ...
Psychological, nutritional, and energy expenditure differences in college females with anorexia nervosa vs. comparable-mass controls 2001 2099 This is the first study to examine psychological and behavioral variables in nonhospitalized college females with subclinical anorexia nervosa (AN) as compared to healthy college females of comparable body mass (i.e., body mass index (BMI)<19). Parti...
Resisting Temptation Revisited: Devaluation versus Enhancement of an Attractive Suitor by Exclusive and Nonexclusive Daters 1999 3777 Individuals committed to exclusive relationships often evaluate attractive, opposite-sex targets less favorably than do less committed individuals. This devaluative distortion of alternatives has been interpreted as relationship maintenance by excl...
Social likeability, conformity, and body talk: Does fat talk have a normative rival in female body image conversations? 2009 7247 Fat talk, dialogues among women involving negative body-focused discussions, was studied as a function of conformity and social likeability through the use of four vignettes depicting young women in conversation. Using a 2 (body presentation style of...
What Do You look for in a Prospective Date?: Reexamining the Preferences of Men and Women Who Differ in Self-Monitoring Propensities 1997 2472 Abstract unavailable
Who Smokes in Hollywood? Characteristics of Smokers in Popular Films from 1940 to 1989 1998 2199 We examined how smokers were depicted in 100 popular films spanning 5 decades. Smokers were depicted as more romantically and sexually active than nonsmokers and as marginally more intelligent than nonsmokers. Smokers and nonsmokers did not differ in...
Young Adult Romantic Couples' Conflict Resolution And Satisfaction Varies With Partner's Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Type 2013 1346 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has previously been associated with less satisfaction and success in romantic relationships. This study compares conflict resolution and problem-solving behaviors in young adult romantic couples either ...