Tanya M. Coakley

**Research and practice interests: Child welfare, foster care, quantitative analysis.

There are 19 included publications by Tanya M. Coakley :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
African-American Fathers' Perspectives on Facilitators and Barriers to Father–Son Sexual Health Communication 2017 344 African-American males ages 13 through 24 are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), accounting for over half of all HIV infections in this age group in the United States. Clear c...
An Appraisal of Fathers' Perspectives on Fatherhood and Barriers to Their Child Welfare Involvement 2013 2480 The present study provides insight into the extent and rationale of fathers' involvement with their children and the child welfare system. This qualitative study explored 12 child welfare–involved fathers' perceptions of fatherhood and factors that f...
Assessing Child Welfare Agency Practices and Attitudes that Affect Father Engagement 2018 1401 The importance of fathers' involvement in their children's lives is irrefutable. Supportive, warm, and positive involvement of fathers leads to children being well-adjusted. Indeed, involved fathers positively influence their children's cognitive abi...
Cultural Receptivity among Foster Parents: Implications for Quality Transcultural Parenting 2015 3340 Foster parents' ability to support a minority youth's cultural needs is critically important to the appropriate development of the youth's cultural identity and avoidance of negative reactions to real or perceived rejection or dismissal of their cult...
Examining African American fathers’ involvement in permanency planning: An effort to reduce racial disproportionality in the child welfare system 2008 5430 Children of color are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system. In 2005 they comprised 53% of the 513,000 children in out-of-home placements in the United States [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Chil...
Examining maternal and paternal involvement as promotive factors of competence in African American children in informal kinship care 2014 2515 Grandparents or other relatives are raising over 2.7 million children in the United States; and research suggests that the birth parents of these children maintain varying levels of involvement with them and their relative caregivers. However, the im...
Exploring Child Welfare Workers' Attitudes and Practice With Fathers 2014 835 This cross-sectional study explored child welfare agency workers' attitudes and practice regarding working with fathers whose children are at-risk for abuse and neglect. Agency workers completed a questionnaire about their attitudes towards working w...
Fathering attitudes and behaviors among low-income fathers 2017 1351 This study evaluated the effectiveness of a fatherhood intervention designed to improve the fathering attitudes and behaviors of fathers who are low income from metropolitan and rural communities in Louisiana. The study was successful in recruiting a...
Fathers’ Perspectives on Supports and Barriers That Affect Their Fatherhood Role 2014 1696 This qualitative study explored resident and nonresident fathers’ perspectives about factors that facilitated and inhibited their ability to play a positive and active role in their children’s lives. A total of 30 fathers were recruited from a suppor...
Foster Parents’ Reasons for Fostering and Foster Family Utilization 2006 2819 Better utilization of foster families might be linked to parents’ reasons for fostering. This study used data from the National Survey of Current and Former Foster Parents to examine relationships between reasons for fostering and types of services a...
The influence of father involvement on child welfare permanency outcomes: A secondary data analysis 2013 5611 Children have a higher risk for poor psychosocial outcomes when their fathers are absent or uninvolved. These children are more likely to live in poverty, drop out of school, and engage in risky behaviors like using alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug...
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams 2017 405 Major initiatives by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as well as the World Health Organization have produced a large and compelling body of evidence on how to reduce health disparities, which entails having a clear understanding of ho...
Kinship Foster Parents' Perceptions of Factors that Promote or Inhibit Successful Fostering 2006 4479 A better understanding of kinship foster families' perceptions of the familial factors and parenting beliefs that promote or inhibit successful fostering can inform child welfare practice and policy. To this end, and to extend previous research [Bueh...
Parent–youth communication to reduce at-risk sexual behavior: A systematic literature review 2017 1455 There are nearly 110 million cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that annually there are more than 19.7 million new STI cases. Of those, more than half are acco...
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Cultural Receptivity in Fostering Scale 2006 2836 Objective: The psychometric properties of a new measure of foster parents’ openness toward participating in activities that promote children’s cultural development are evaluated. The measure is titled the Cultural Receptivity in Fostering Scale (CRFS...
Psychosocial Factors of Behavioral Health Outcomes Among Children in Foster and Kinship Care: A Systematic Review 2018 759 National data indicate recent increases in the number of children in foster and kinship care placements. Children in out-of-home placements are at elevated risk for behavioral problems, often stemming from maltreatment or trauma exposure before place...
Toward a Theory of Cultural Competence in Transcultural Parenting: The Role of Cultural Receptivity 2008 3445 There is a dire need to place the disproportionate number of minority foster children with successful foster families. Because there are more minority foster children than minority foster parents, we suggest placing children with qualified families d...
Understanding key barriers to fathers' case planning involvement 2015 994 Fathers who are uninvolved or play minimal roles in their children's lives may unwittingly have adverse effects on their psychosocial development. In 2003, only 54% of nearly a half million children in foster care in the United States had contact wit...
Values that Fathers Communicate to Sons about Sex, Sexuality, Relationships, and Marriage 2017 1577 African American males between ages 13 and 24 are disproportionately affected by unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS; indeed, they account for 50% of HIV infections amon...