Raedeke, Thomas Dean 1963-


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Exercise effects on physical activity level self-perceptions and quality of life of sedentary children the interaction of BMI and the association between moderate to vigorous physical activity and psychological variables 2011 748622 The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the relationship of physical activity with global self-esteem (GSE) physical self-worth (PSW) physical self-perceptions and health related quality of life (HRQOL) and to (b) evaluate the effects of a 16 ...
THE EFFECT OF A MENTOR BASED EXERCISE INTERVENTION ON BODY MASS INDEX Z-SCORES DUAL-ENERGY X-RAY ABSORPTIOMETRY : TOTAL % BODY FAT LEVELS DEPRESSION AND FITNESS LEVELS IN OBESE ADOLESCENTS 2012 748622 Project MENTOR was a mentor-based exercise intervention for overweight children ages 12-18 years. Undergraduate exercise physiology students (n=10) served as mentors to facilitate healthy lifestyle modifications through exercise based on C.A.R.E. (co...