Hoppenthaler, John


There are 8 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Body in Flight 2013 676282 This master's thesis is a collection of poetry focusing on the emotional and behavioral responses of a woman whose perception of life is considerably twisted by her chances at inheriting cancer and certain romantic proclivities and preferences. In th...
Ghosts in a Lighthouse 2011 676282 This collection of poems represents my engagement with the notion of death and its' inevitable outcome in both the secular and Christian reference. It focuses on the unclear terms of death and the possible after-lives that death may produce. It is a ...
Identifying White Knight Syndrome : A Scavenger Hunt 2012 676282 "Scavenger Hunt" is a collection of poems thematically linked by a single persona and the repeated development and deterioration of his failed relationships as a result of "White Knight Syndrome." White knights in this context are men and women who e...
Carrion Flower 2012 676282 Dysfunction can be defined as it is by Merriam-Webster as "impaired or abnormal functioning" or "abnormal or unhealthy interpersonal behavior or interaction within a group." Using the former definition my poems often represent dysfunction through dep...
Celestial Bodies : A Collection of Poems 2012 676282 A celestial body according to Merriam-Webster is "an aggregation of matter in the universe that constitutes a unit for astronomical study." More specifically it is a planet nebula star or some such natural heavenly entity. "Celestial Bodies" is a col...
The Grave That Knows My Bones 2011 676282 The Grave That Knows My Bones focuses on the relationship between a WWII and Vietnam veteran and his son. The story is of my grandfather a hardened and disciplined soldier my father a boy who grew up troubled by confusion and whose many difficult lif...
One Love : Collective Consciousness in Rap and Poetry of the Hip-Hop Generation 2012 676282 This study aims to offer an understanding of hip-hop culture through which three concepts are elucidated: (1) the existence and dimensions of a collective consciousness within rap and poetry of the hip-hop generation (Allison Joseph A. Van Jordan Ter...
Thrown Voices : A Series of Dramatic Monologues With a Discussion of the Genre 2011 676282 This thesis examines the complex nature of the poetic genre of the dramatic monologue by providing multiple perspectives on the genre--namely those of the literary critic and the creative writer. This thesis provides a selection of original dramatic ...