Carl Orff: Musical humanist |
2006 |
15099 |
Beyond the obvious knowledge and skills imparted, education respects and enables students in ways that training does not. Composer Carl Orff articulated a central theme of his approach to education also known as Orff-Schulwerk, or schooling in music ... |
Creating meaningful music listening experiences with active music making |
2013 |
5929 |
Of all musical activities, music listening is the
most ubiquitous and essential to all other
musical endeavors. In practice, however,
music listening is often over-looked as a
passive and prescribed activity. This article
has a three-fold purpos... |
The effect of critical thinking instruction on verbal descriptions of music |
2011 |
3678 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of critical thinking instruction on
music listening skills of fifth-grade students as measured by written responses to music
listening. The researcher compared instruction that included opportun... |
The effects of musical ensembles-in-residence on elementary students’ auditory discrimination and spatial reasoning skills: A longitudinal study |
2016 |
1215 |
The purpose of this longitudinal project was to investigate the effects of a program combining musical ensembles-in-residence with regular classroom music instruction on elementary students’ auditory discrimination and spatial intelligence scores. In... |
Exploring views from university faculty and cooperating teachers on general music teacher preparation |
2012 |
918 |
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine perspectives of experienced university
faculty and cooperating teachers in general music education. The co-authors’ four guiding
research questions were: (a) What are the ideal components of pr... |
Factors Influencing Pre-Instructional Decisions: An Initial Investigation of Expert Music Teacher Perceptions |
2020 |
316 |
Pre-instructional decisions that teachers make fundamentally and directly influence their students’ music learning. Particularly with expert educators, as defined by their professional qualifications and education, these decisions reveal teachers’ mo... |
Fifth-grade instrumentalists' descriptions of music |
2003 |
1941 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate how elementary-aged students with instrumental experience listen to unfamiliar music. My two research questions were: how do elementary
instrumentalists categorize unfamiliar music? and, how much attentio... |
How Orff is your Schulwerk? |
2017 |
3641 |
The focus of this article is the authenticity of Orff-Schulwerk practices, particularly in Americanmusic teaching. Since its adoption in American schools nearly 50 years ago, Orff Schulwerk hasenjoyed an enthusiastic following. With the assistance of... |
Integrated Music Education in Elementary Classrooms: Music and Grade-Level Teacher Perspectives and Practices |
2021 |
229 |
Integrated Music Education (IME) involves collaborative and experiential instruction, designed to address both music and non-music standards. The purpose of this study was to explore music and grade-level teachers’ perceptions of IME and to examine t... |
Integrated Music Education Perspectives and Practices of Middle School Music, English, and Science Teachers |
2022 |
107 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate Integrated Music Education (IME) as a pedagogicalapproach to address both music and non-music learning. We explored middle-school music andnon-music teachers’ perceptions of IME and observed their instruct... |
Investigating “Understanding by design” in the national music education standards: Perspectives and practices of music teacher educators |
2017 |
1319 |
The purpose of this study was to examine familiarity with and usage of “Understandingby Design” (UbD) among music teacher educators. UbD (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005) provides acurricular approach for the revised National Standards for Music Education as... |
Listening and thinking: A pilot study |
2006 |
1191 |
The two purposes of this pilot study were: to classify fifth-grade students’ verbal responses as
either Musical Term or Affective/Associative, and to determine if there was a significant difference
between subjects’ verbal responses in written and ... |
Music listening and critical thinking: Teaching using a constructivist paradigm |
2004 |
19533 |
Music, a universal human endeavor, offers a unique perspective on studying the humanities. Studying music combines the intellectual and emotional meaning listeners make from music, engaging them in aesthetically
focused-activities. In this article, ... |
A Pilot Project Exploring Rural Classroom Music Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices via an Online Professional Development Course |
2021 |
721 |
Music teachers in urban, suburban, and rural communities face a multitude of challenges and opportunities. To identify and examine specific experiences that may be unique to rural general music teachers, we recruited six teacher-participants to compl... |
Promoting technology-based collaboration among pre-service music educators: An inter-university project |
2017 |
707 |
The purpose of this inter-university project was to explore pre-service teachers’ perceptions ofcollaboration and use of online technology. Twenty-two undergraduate music education majors fromtwo separate universities participated in an eleven-week c... |
Shape note singing: An American tradition with Kodaly applications |
2008 |
4024 |
The article discusses the history and development of shape note singing in the U.S. Shape-note singing is recognized as one of the original style of American music. Shape-note singing derives its name from the use of shaped note-heads during 18th-19t... |
Special challenges of assessing undergraduate research in the arts and humanities |
2009 |
2362 |
Departments in the arts and humanities are often inhospitable environments for assessment of learning outcomes. For one thing, student learning in these disciplines is not easily quantified. Also, department chairs and faculty members, having survive... |
Thinking critically about assessing online learning |
2008 |
2574 |
Despite the proliferation of technology designed to increase efficiency and connectivity, students’ understanding
and comprehension of course content often lags behind the latest advances in e-learning. Critical thinking in the form of
higher-order... |
Where wild flowers grow: a Costa Rican adventure |
2010 |
1305 |
Costa Rica does not have a strong tradition for music education other than the teaching of classical music performance. In order to promote music education, Dr. Daniel C. Johnson, an associate professor of music education at the University of North ... |