Matthew B. Robinson Ph.D.

RECAPP 2019 Award Winner.

There are 29 included publications by Matthew B. Robinson Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Accessible Targets, But Not Advisable Ones: The Role Of 'Accessibility' In Student Apartment Burglary 1998 2411 Given the apparent importance of the environmental characteristic "accessibility" in criminological literature in helping to explain the occurrence of burglary, this paper examined the role of accessibility in reported burglaries of private apartment...
An Analysis of Supreme Court Opinions Regarding the Death Penalty 2006 589 This paper examines opinions by Supreme Court justices of the most significant death penalty cases of the 1970s and 1980s [i.e., Furman v. Georgia (1972), Gregg v. Georgia (1976), Woodson v. North Carolina (1976), and McCleskey v. Kemp (1987)]. We se...
Assessing Criminal Justice Practice Using Social Justice Theory 2010 13085 In this paper, I introduce two of the leading theories of social justice put forth by John Rawls and David Miller. Then, I assess criminal justice practice, from law-making to corrections, in terms of ways in which it is consistent and inconsistent w...
Assessing the “Gateway Hypothesis” Among Middle- and High- School Students in Tennessee 2008 2993 The current study examines the applicability of the “gateway hypothesis” to drug use patterns of secondary school students from a non-metropolitan area in Tennessee. The data were collected from students in the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades at three sec...
Burglary Revictimization: The Time Period of Heightened Risk 1998 4146 Residents can expect and prepare for burglary if they are prone to victimization. The risk for a repeat action of burglary appears immediately after the initial offense. Crime records indicate 25% of repeat burglaries occur within one week of the ini...
The Construction and Reinforcement of Myths of Race and Crime 2016 4021 Much of what we know about crime is myth. Myths are falsehoods that have become accepted as truth because they have been told and retold over time. Many myths of crime revolve around race. This article documents how myths of crime associated with rac...
Crime on Campus: A Survey of Space Users 2001 8554 This paper reports findings from a study of perceptions and realities of crime at a regional, comprehensive university campus in North Carolina, USA. Specifically, the study explored perceptions of the primary place users of the campus (ie students, ...
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Consumption Control in the United States 2000 1984 CPTED theory, research and practice are frequently held to be relatively recentdevelopments in the field of American criminology, generated largely by the works of Oscar Newman (1972) and C. Ray Jeffery (1971). This view of CPTED and its development ...
The Death Penalty in North Carolina: A Summary of the Data and Scientific Studies 2011 7287 This report summarizes what is known about capital punishment in North Carolina based on available empirical data as well as studies of the state’s death penalty system. The goal is to establish the realities of the state’s capital punishment system ...
Downsizing, corporate security, and loss prevention 1999 2209 This study reports findings from a survey of international security executives of major corporations which examined the effects of corporate reengineering (downsizing) on corporate loss prevention initiatives, loss prevention budgets, attitudes of em...
Environmental Characteristics Associated With Residential Burglaries Of Student Apartment Complexes 1997 5255 This study identified environmental characteristics associated with residential burglaries of apartment complexes predominantly occupied by students, located near two major universities and a community college in Tallahassee, Florida. Through observa...
From Research to Policy: Preventing Residential Burglary Through a Systems Approach 2000 5064 This paper isolates crime prevention policy implications which stem from a series of interrelated environmental studies of residential burglaries. A number of crime prevention strategies are developed using a systems approach. It is argued that chang...
A Geographic Approach to Racial Profiling: The Microanalysis and Macroanalysis of Racial Disparity in Traffic Stops 2009 7366 Despite numerous studies explaining racial disparity in traffic stops, the effects of spatial characteristics in patrolling areas have not been widely examined. In this article, the authors analyzed traffic stop data at both micro- and macro- levels....
High Aesthetics/Low Incivilities: Criminal Victimizations and Perceptions of Risk in a Downtown Environment 1998 2745 In recent years, there has been substantial growth in the theoretical and empirical literature dealing with fear of crime. Research done on criminal victimizations and perceptions of risk in a downtown environment are discussed.
Ideology and Criminal Justice: Suggestions for a Pedagogical Model 2004 13963 Without the explanatory power of general theoretical principles, criminal justice educators are limited to subjectively describing the structure and function of our systems of criminal justice rather than explaining why these systems behave the way t...
Justice as Freedom, Fairness, Compassion, and Utilitarianism: How My Life Experiences Shaped My Views of Justice 2003 13880 This essay lays out my definition of justice and traces the origins of its conception. I identify and discuss very specific life experiences and how they have affected my understanding of justice. Specific incidents include early childhood experience...
LIFESTYLES, ROUTINE ACTIVITIES, AND RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY VICTIMIZATION 2012 2854 This paper reports findings from an exploratory, place specific study of the relationship between victims' lifestyles, routine activities, and residential burglary victimization. A telephone survey differentiated people with various lifestyles in ter...
The Maximizer: Clarifying Merton's Theories of Anomie and Strain 2008 61013 Robert Merton's (1957) theories of anomie and strain are among the most widely examined theories of criminality. Messner and Rosenfeld's (1994) theory of institutional anomie built on Merton's conception of anomie, delineating how specific institutio...
The Mouse Who Would Rule the World! How American Criminal Justice Reflects the Themes of Disneyization 2003 2505 This paper specifies the relationships between the trend of Disneyization and the increasingly efficient, scientific, costly, and control-oriented systems of American criminal justice. Disneyization is the process by which the principles of the Dis...
The Myth of a Fair Criminal Justice System 2009 2427 This paper examines whether the belief that the US criminal justice system is fair is a myth. After an introduction of the criminal justice system and its goals, we turn to possible sources of unfairness in criminal justice, including the criminal l...
Open Access to Criminal Justice Scholarship: A Matter of Social Justice 2008 3807 The paper argues that criminal justice scholarship disseminated through the traditional journal subscription model is not consistent with social justice. Adoption of "open access" principles in publishing benefits both authors and readers through bro...
Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers on Capital Punishment in the United States . 2013 857 As scholars and legislators debate the efficacy of capital punishment, research has played a significant role in supporting arguments on both sides of the issue. Studies on the death penalty in North Carolina, United States, have ranged from examinin...
Publishing in Criminal Justice and Criminology: Assessing Journal Editors Awareness and Acceptance of Open Access 2009 1925 The authors, building upon a previous article that challenged the subscription-based journal publishing model, assess the awareness and attitudes of editors of journals in criminal justice and criminology toward open access, author rights, and relate...
The Real Death Penalty: Capital Punishment According to the Experts 2009 3725 There are theoretical and philosophical arguments in favor and against capital punishment. Advocates of capital punishment assert that death is a proper punishment for those who commit the most heinous crimes because offenders owe their lives to soci...
A Snapshot of SCJA Members: An Analysis of Paper Presentations at the 1998 2003 SCJA Meetings 2004 1349 This paper contains an analysis of papers scheduled for presentation at the annual meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association during a six-year period (1998-2003). The goal is to discover which research topics are most popular and which ar...
Theories Of Justice In The Constitution Of The Republic Of South Africa (Abstract only) 2019 484 Starting in 1910, the Union of South Africa (under British dominion) instituted segregation by race as the official policy of government. In 1948, the Afrikaner Nationalist Party instituted Apartheid (from the Afrikaans word meaning “apartness” or “s...
Using Active Learning in Criminal Justice: Twenty-Five Examples 2000 7542 Active learning strategies may overcome the weaknesses of the traditional lecture approach. Thispaper outlines some of the main strengths and weaknesses of the lecture approach and reportsresearch which illustrates why active learning strategies shou...
Using Active Learning in Criminal Justice: Twenty-Five Examples 2000 12372 Active learning strategies may overcome the weaknesses of the traditional lecture approach. This paper outlines some of the main strengths and weaknesses of the lecture approach and reports research which illustrates why active learning strategies sh...
Wither Criminal Justice: An Argument for a Reformed Discipline 2001 2395 The American criminal justice system fails to achieve justice, reduce crime, and provide equal protection to Americans regardless of their social class, race, and gender. But, criminal justice as an academic area of study has become a popular and fas...