Jenny Dale

There are 70 included publications by Jenny Dale :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
All aboard! Virtual onboarding for new librarians during a pandemic [Poster] 2021 192 Poster presented at the NCLA Biennial Conference which was held both virtually and in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2021.
Assessing and meeting the information literacy needs of incoming transfer students: Implementing ACRL’s assessment in action program 2017 161 Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the information literacy skills and needs of incoming and current transfer students. Design/methodology/approach: Three studies are discussed, two of which were generated from ACRL’s Assessment in Ac...
Asynchronous learning: The how [slides] 2022 167 [Slides from a webinar given May 4, 2022 for InfoBase.] The COVID-19 pandemic required many academic librarians to move their instruction online. Though a lot of time is spent discussing Zoom and other virtual meeting tools for synchronous instructio...
Asynchronous learning: The what and the why [slides] 2022 145 [Slides from a webinar given April 20, 2022 for InfoBase.] The COVID-19 pandemic required many academic librarians to move their instruction online. Though a lot of time is spent discussing Zoom and other virtual meeting tools for synchronous instruc...
At the Corner of Personality and Competencies: Exploring Professional Personas for Librarians 2014 2223 Cultural representations of the profession are familiar to librarians. Stereotypes are common, and when librarians appear in the media—whether in song, television, or film—there are certain assumptions about what librarians should look like (e.g., ca...
Beyond the checklist: Interactive lateral reading activities [slides] 2021 1582 Slides from a webcast presentation given as part of the ACRL National Conference held April 13-16 2021.
Beyond popular vs. scholarly: Teaching outside the peer-reviewed checkbox [slides] 2017 136 Slides from a presentation given May 11, 2017 at The Innovative Library Classroom conference in Radford, Virginia.
Building Bridges & Boundaries: Transitioning to Online First-year Experience Instruction [Slides] 2022 180 Presentation given at LAUNC-CH 2022 on March 14, 2022 related to the experience of transitioning library instruction for large enrollment introductory courses from an in-person format to an online format. Panel presentation.
Conducting academic research 2015 101 In many of your courses at the university level—including College Writing—you will be expected to integrate research into papers, presentations, and other projects. Research is critical in academic writing and speaking because it places your work in ...
Creating engaging and effective information literacy activities for a hybrid world [slides] 2022 222 [Slides from a presentation given March 31, 2022 at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, virtual.] Designing engaging and effective learning experiences is a high priority for information literacy instructors. This workshop w...
Creating library space for learning and growth: Developing professional development workshops and sessions for librarians [slides] 2019 158 [Slides from a presentation given October 18, 2019 at the North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.] Librarians need space to grow, and being able to attend professional development sessions on a variety...
Can We Talk About Moral Distress When It Isn't Life-or-Death? [slides] 2023 77 Slides from a lightning talk presented at the Midwest MLA Virtual Conference in October 2023
Dealing with data [slides] 2012 217 Slides from a workshop presented in May 2012 as part of the North Carolina Bibliographic Instruction Group Teacher Librarian Academy workshop series.
Drive it home: Increasing interactivity in instruction with Google Drive [slides] 2015 162 Slides from a presentation given in October 2015 at the North Carolina Library Association 61st Biennial Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina.
The end of class is just the beginning: Authentic assessment of information literacy skills [slides] 2022 130 Slides from a presentation given September 28, 2018 at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah, Georgia.
Fact or fake? Teaching source evaluation across the lifespan through the lens of fake news [slides] 2018 137 Slides from a presentation given September 28, 2018 at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah, Georgia.
Fake news at any age: Information literacy across the lifespan [slides] 2017 148 Slides from a presentation given at the 2017 North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, October 17-20, 2017.
First-Year Instruction Generations: Library Instruction for CST 105 [Slides] 2020 274 Presented as part of the UNCG University Libraries Virtual Learning Community. Provides background & context as well as information about future directions for library instruction collaborations with CST 105, the basic course in Communication at UNCG...
From Theory to Practice: Using UDL to Move Library Instruction and Support Online 2024 169 The declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in March 2020 had significant and immediate impacts on people and institutions around the world. Many institutions of higher education had days or weeks to completely shift instruction to online format...
‘The future is already here’: Intern training for next-generation academic librarians [slides] 2018 129 [Slides from a presentation given October 12, 2018 at the Entrepreneurial Librarians Conference in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.] The Research, Outreach, and Instruction intern training program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro striv...
Going the Distance without Leaving Your Desk. 2010 2073 PowerPoint Slides from a presentation at the UNC Cause Conference in 2011 in Wilmington, NC. Presentation covered the usage of Elluminate and other online tools, suggestions for creating online workshops and how to market distance and online educatio...
IM'ing overload: Libraryh3lp to the rescue 2009 156 Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the new virtual reference system Libraryh3lp, developed to assist librarians with managing multiple instant messaging (IM) patrons at one time. Design/methodology/approach: A summary of the main featu...
Implementing ACRL’s Assessment in Action Program at UNCG Libraries to Meet the Information Literacy Needs of Incoming Transfer Students 2016 542 In the fall of 2014, a team of librarians at University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) Libraries surveyed incoming transfer students to determine their information literacy skills and needs. Based on demographic questions as well as questions...
Incoming Transfer Students - Who Are They, Where Are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? 2015 299 This is a recording from a presentation on library research instruction and incoming transfer students given at the ACRL Virtual Conference. (
Incoming Transfer Students- Who are They, Where are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? [Slides] 2015 218 Slides from a presentation on library research instruction and incoming transfer students given at the ACRL Virtual Conference. (
The incredible embeddable librarian 2012 452 A teacher-librarian works closely with an Advanced Placement English composition teacher to design research-based assignments for the class. She is not the primary instructor, nor does she have access to grades, but she provides detailed feedback on ...
Information literacy “learning” via online tutorials: A collaboration between subject specialist and instructional design librarian 2009 788 As the American higher education paradigm shifts from a traditional classroom instruction model to a distributed learning model, academic libraries must update library instruction methods to allow for more flexible delivery of content. Distance stude...
Lateral reading, critical thinking: Teaching students to evaluate online information like the pros [slides] 2021 273 [Slides from a presentation given online March 26, 2021 at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy.] In Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers, Mike Caulfield describes lateral reading as reading “across many connected sites inst...
Leading with Universal Design for Learning [slides] 2022 129 [Slides from a presentation given April 29, 2022 at the NCLIVE Leadership Development Workshop: Innovation at Your Library, virtual.]
Learning together: Case studies in implementing faculty learning communities [slides] 2020 142 [Slides from a presentation given July 21, 2020 for the ACRL University Libraries Section Professional Development Committee Series.] Have you ever wished that you had more time to engage with teaching faculty and other instructors at your institutio...
Liaison Roles 2015 767 The roles of library liaisons (subject specialists assigned to academic disciplines) continue to evolve. This document describes both ongoing and new roles in order to assist with planning, evaluation, assessment, and recruitment. Best practices for ...
Libraries, Canvas, and Online Courses [Slides] 2020 198 An overview of UNCG University Libraries integration into Canvas courses at UNCG. Co-presented with Samantha Harlow and Jenny Dale virtually at the 2020 ADAPT conference at UNCG which was held from June 8-12, 2020.
License to drive: Using Google Drive in the classroom [slides] 2014 201 Slides from a presentation given in May 2014 to The Innovative Library Classroom in Radford, Virginia.
Life cycle of a librarian’s year 2014 86 Almost every librarian’s work life is driven by some type of annual cycle. College and university libraries are tied to the academic calendar and public libraries are often tied to the school day and year. Special libraries are also subject to their ...
Lighting the Path for Asynchronous Tutorials. 2011 1394 PowerPoint slides from a presentation at Lilly South Conference on College and University Teaching in Greensboro NC. Presentation covered the pros and cons of asynchronous learning as well as asynchronous learning tutorials offered at UNCG.
Living, learning, and libraries: A cross-campus collaboration 2012 93 Many colleges and universities have significant numbers of students living in on-campus housing. In addition to overseeing physical facilities, residential life staff provide programming that creates community and supports students' academic, social,...
Meeting your productivity goals with the UnMeeting [slides] 2022 153 [Slides from a presentation given March 14, 2022 at the Library Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Annual Conference, virtual.] Organizing and prioritizing tasks is a common productivity challenge, but we seldom make time ...
Metaliteracy in Practice [book review] 2017 400 Metaliteracy is a reframing of information literacy that “emphasizes the metacognitive dimension of learning and the active roles we play as producers of original and repurposed information” (p. xvi). Editors Trudi Jacobson (Head of the Information L...
(Mis)information overload! Empowering and educating learners to detect and avoid misinformation in an online world [slides] 2021 154 [Slides from a presentation given October 20, 2021 at the North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference, online.] Misinformation isn’t a new concept; in fact, the first recorded use of “misinformation” in the Oxford English Dictionary is fro...
No train, no gain: Instituting an information literacy professional development program [slides] 2012 203 Slides from a presentation given in June 2012 at the 7th Annual Metrolina Library Association Information Literacy Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Pathways potluck: They bring the questions, we bring the research! 2014 108 Our goal is to assist students in finding appropriate scholarly sources for their final research papers in an entry level (Pathways) course for the BA in Liberal Studies. We have been invited to work with this class to help students in the online Hum...
Peer professional development at a distance: A virtual learning community for library employees [slides] 2020 118 Slides from a presentation given July 30, 2020 online at the LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) Conference.
Practical UDL for the one-shot library instruction session [slides] 2015 207 Slides from a presentation given in October 2015 at the North Carolina Library Association 61st Biennial Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Practical UDL for the one-shot workshop [slides] 2014 204 Slides from a presentation given in June 2014 to the Metrolina Library Association in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Productive to the core: Core competencies and the productive librarian 2013 245 In the face of shrinking budgets and resource cuts of all kinds, "do more with less" has become an almost constant refrain in libraries across the United States. Unfortunately, doing more with less is a problematic and ultimately unsustainable model ...
Professional applications of information literacy: Helping researchers learn to evaluate journal quality 2021 859 Evaluating journals can be challenging, especially for new researchers. This article discusses the application of information literacy skills and techniques, such as lateral reading, in the context of teaching researchers to evaluate journal quality ...
Professional applications of information literacy: Helping researchers learn to evaluate journal quality [slides] 2021 381 Slides from a presentation discussing the applications of information literacy techniques--particularly lateral reading--in teaching researchers to evaluate journal quality and avoid predatory journals. This presentation was delivered on April 9, 202...
Reaching out to future users: K-12 outreach at Kansas State Libraries 2009 144 Academic libraries have historically engaged in outreach within their own scholarly communities-to faculty, students, departments, and organizations on their campuses. Working with these groups remains a key function of college and university librari...
Reading Memes: Rhetorical Analysis of Memes as Multimodal Texts 2023 1433 As a mode of visual communication, internet memes carry a lot of meaning in a concisedigital package.1 While memes were originally defined by Richard Dawkins as “units of culturaltransmission,”2 the term internet memes applies to virtual artifacts in...
Redesigning Online Library Tutorials Based on the ACRL Framework [slides] 2019 286 Slides from a lightning talk given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2019.
Reflective practice for library workers [slides] 2020 191 Slides from a presentation given virtually on July 17, 2020 at the North Carolina Library Association Un-Cancelled Conference.
Reframing a general education course [slides] 2016 105 Slides from a presentation given in May 2016 at The Innovative Library Classroom conference in Radford, Virginia.
Reframing the Narrative: Developing Information Literacy Learning Outcomes using Backward Design and Consensus Decision Making [Slides] 2019 737 Slides from presentation given April 11, 2019 at the 2019 ACRL national conference in Cleveland, OH.

Two librarians will lead workshop participants through the process they used to develop new information literacy program learning outcomes a...
Research is a process 2019 140 In many of your courses—including College Writing—you will need to integrate research into essays, presentations, and other projects. Research is critical in academic writing and speaking because it places your work in a larger conversation. Research...
Revamping First Year Instruction Through Multiple Means [slides] 2019 303 Slides from a presentation given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC, October 2019.
Scholarship as conversation: Encouraging inclusive and equitable practices [Slides] 2023 90 Slides from a presentation given July 28, 2023 for the Lifelong Information Literacy (LILi) Conference. Information literacy skills are critical for learners at all levels, but sometimes it can be challenging to make connections from theoretical conc...
Survey of Information Literacy in Incoming Transfer Students, August 2014 2015 679965 This survey on information literacy in incoming transfer students was conducted by the University Libraries at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro during August of 2014. The data set is available for download; to view and download the file...
A tale of two CUREs: Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences and online information literacy instruction [slides] 2021 134 [Slides from a presentation given March 26, 2021 at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, virtual.] In 2017, a public university was awarded a grant to provide faculty stipends to develop “course-based undergraduate research e...
Teaching diverse student populations online: Training, design, accessibility [slides] 2021 131 [Slides from a presentation given October 22, 2021 at the North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference, online.] Like most academic institutions, our mid-sized public university faced significant challenges with the sudden shift to remote i...
Teaching information evaluation with lateral reading: The what and the why [slides] 2021 263 [Slides from a webinar presentation given for InfoBase.] Chances are, you already engage in lateral reading in your own information evaluation practice, and your learners might as well! Lateral reading is a powerful approach to source evaluation that...
Training Future Librarians: Creating Online, Flexible, and Effective Internships and Practicum Experiences for LIS Graduate Students 2022 215 What roles should academic libraries play in developing future professionals? As more graduate programs, including library and information science (LIS) programs, are moving online to accommodate nontraditional students and busy schedules, this quest...
Transforming the creative process through research: Library interventions for the creative disciplines [slides] 2021 189 Slides from a presentation given May 6, 2021 at the ACRL-NC and CJCLS Biennial Conference, online.
Transforming Partnerships: Supporting the Gate City through Campus & Community Outreach [Slides] 2018 365 Slides from a presentation about UNCG University Libraries campus & community outreach initiatives. Presented in March 2018 at LAUNC-CH Conference, Chapel Hill, NC
UNC Greensboro: A diverse program for a diverse campus 2020 155 UNC Greensboro (UNCG) is a public university within the University of North Carolina system. UNCG had just over 20,000 students enrolled in fall 2018.[1] The university “offers 82 undergraduate majors in more than 100 areas of study, 74 masters progr...
UNCG Libraries, Information Literacy Instruction, and a Pandemic [Slides] 2021 163 COVID-19 has forever shifted all of higher education, and UNCG Libraries had to shift many resources and services online at the same time all courses went virtual in Spring 2020. UNCG Libraries Research, Outreach, and Instruction (ROI) department mov...
UNCG University Libraries' Support of High Impact Practices. 2013 2210 This report addresses the University Libraries’ significant role in participating in the high impact initiatives identified by the AAC&U’s LEAP Report and adopted by UNCG in its Strategic Plan 2009-14. These practices are proven to positively impact ...
University Libraries Virtual Learning Community: Peer professional development during a pandemic [slides] 2020 127 Slides from a presentation given at the ACRL Distance Learning Section (DLS) Virtual Poster Session held April 13-17, 2020.
Using Statistics to Define the Problem : Data and Service Learning 2022 115 According to the National Youth Leadership Council, “Service-learning is an approach to teaching and learning in which students use academic and civic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs.”1 Service learning is considered a high-im...
What does it meme? Visual literacy programming in the library through the language of memes [poster] 2019 1596 Poster presented October 18, 2019 at the North Carolina Library Association conference in Winston-Salem, NC. This poster will describe a library outreach and instruction program centered around memes and visual literacy at UNC Greensboro. The program...
With friends like these... The role of critical friends in professional development [slides] 2019 239 Slides from a presentation given October 18, 2019 at the 63rd North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference in Winston Salem, NC, United States.

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TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Survey of Information Literacy in Incoming Transfer Students, August 2014 2015 679965 This survey on information literacy in incoming transfer students was conducted by the University Libraries at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro during August of 2014. The data set is available for download; to view and download the file...