Mark Bradbury Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor, Director of MPA Program
  • Government and Justice Studies, ASU
  • 828.262.7913
  • ASU Box 32107
  • Boone NC 28608

There are 15 included publications by Mark Bradbury Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Burnout in Ghanaian hospitals: Phase model findings in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2010 785 This replication shows the expected covariation of the phases of burnout with a set of 5 marker variables. As the phases progress I ---> VIII, so do decreases or deficits occur on all the marker variables. All covariants far surpass usually-accepted ...
Continuity Amid Discontinuity? George W. Bush, Federal Employment Discrimination, and “Big Government Conservatism” 2010 1871 One of the major substantive components of “big government conservatism” was a decided predisposition against public employee unions, toward privileging managerial discretion, and yet still maintaining equal opportunity in the workplace. However, cou...
Diversity and Citizen Participation: The Effect of Race on Juror Decision Making 2008 1149 Juries rarely receive attention in public administration despite the explicitly “public” nature of their function and the determinative nature of their decision-making. Applying the theoretical construct of public participation to jury decision makin...
Evaluating Performance in State Judicial Institutions: Trust and Confidence in the Georgia Judiciary 2006 2442 Abstract unavailable
Extreme Outsourcing in Local Government: At the Top and All but the Top 2009 3699 The prevailing paradigm of outsourcing in local government assumes high-level professional administrators make systematic assessments of program areas to determine whether a selected number could be delivered for a reduced cost and at a higher qual...
Ledbetter v. Goodyear: Circumscribing Title Vll’s Discrimination Protections 2011 1514 In Ledbetter v. Goodyear (2007) the U.S. Supreme Court was asked to clarify Title VII’s rules related to the timeliness of pay discrimination claims. The Court’s decision formalized the legal difference between discrete instances of discrimination an...
The Legal and Managerial Challenge of Obesity as a Disability: Evidence from the Federal Courts 2007 2230 The Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibit discrimination against applicants and employees with disabilities. Following the elements of a prima facie claim of discrimination, this legal brief explores the conditions und...
Measuring Customer Service: Georgia’s Local Government Mystery Shopper Program 2003 5471 Abstract unavailable
The Moon is Down. [book review] 2007 20103 Book review
A New Era of Protection Against Disability Discrimination? The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 and “Regarded As” Disabled 2008 2530 Several U.S. Supreme Court rulings have substantially narrowed the coverage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) since its passage in 1990. Congress amended the ADA in 2008 to restore the original congressional intent of providing broad cover...
Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1: Dubious Prospects for Diversity as a Compelling Governmental Interest 2008 1928 The Supreme Court applied strict scrutiny to diversification plans for public high school enrollment in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 (2007). Unlike the diversity plan upheld in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), ...
Race and the Georgia court: Implications of the Georgia public trust and confidence survey for Batson v. Kentucky and its progeny 2003 752 No Abstract Available
Representative Bureaucracy: Assessing the Evidence on Active Representation 2011 13630 The theory of representative bureaucracy suggests that a public workforce representative of the people in terms of race, ethnicity, and sex will help ensure that the interests of all groups are considered in bureaucratic decision-making processes. Th...
Representative Bureaucracy: Exploring the Potential for Active Representation in Local Government 2008 6969 The theory of representative bureaucracy suggests that a demographically diverse public sector workforce (passive representation) will lead to policy outcomes that reflect the interests of all groups represented, including historically disadvantaged ...
Toward a Cost-Effectiveness Assessment of State Ethics Commissions 2007 1338 This article provides an exploratory analysis of the outputs of state government ethics enforcement. Despite the burgeoning interest in the ethical dimensions of public administration among researchers and practitioners alike, there have been few ...