Allan G. Scherlen

There are 49 included publications by Allan G. Scherlen :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Balance Point: Celebrating Twenty Years of a Serials Column 2007 1082 A co-editor of “The Balance Point” column looks back at its twenty-year history, its current function and its future in serving the serials professional and scholarly community. The author examines how the column emerged as an idea by then Serials Re...
Bridges to China: Developing partnerships between serials librarians in the U.S. and China 2009 2119 University librarians in China face many of the same challenges related to serials management that confront librarians in the United States. The authors discuss the importance for librarians in the United States, especially those working with serials...
Building Bridges For Social Justice In Global Publishing: Seeking The Mexican Perspective 2020 1235 At the NASIG 2019 Conference, the presenter outlined how the dominance of English-language publishers based in the Global North negatively impacts researchers in Puebla, Mexico. Universities in the Global South must compete in world-wide university r...
Chinese Academic Libraries Serving International Students and Scholars: A Three-case Assessment 2011 1878 The authors of this study assess the attitudes and perceptions of academic librarians at three university libraries in China regarding library services for international students and scholars. The study directs particular focus on librarians at Shaan...
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Academic Library Experience 2013 2734 While scholarship has addressed issues around serving international students in U.S. libraries, until recently, relatively little attention has been directly focused upon the library needs of specific ethnic groups. This study surveys 83 Chinese stud...
Columns and Blogs: Making Sense of Merging Worlds 2008 1305 The newspaper and magazine column, key sources for news comment and analysis prior to the Internet, is being challenged by a powerful new contender—the blog. Has the column’s importance diminished, even been rendered obsolete, by new e-venues such as...
A Corn Snake Rebellion 2022 119 A poem published in the January/February 2022 edition of Reptiles (Volume 20, number 1).
Courage of Our Convictions: Making Difficult Decisions about Serial Collections 2004 1426 Three academic librarians, a library administrator, a serials librarian, and a collection development librarian, discuss pressing serials issues as they plan for a move to a new library building. Professional perspectives on serials are juxtaposed as...
The Cows Are Watching 2022 147 A poem published in The RavensPerch (May 20, 2022), an online international literary and visual arts magazine.
Deceiving A Salmon 2023 99 A poem published in issue one of "new words," a trans and gender-expansive journal.
Everything is Not on the Web, Doggone it: Remembering the Library in Your Research Process 2000 1008 Abstract unavailable
Fudan and Appalachian Library Exchange Program 2009 to 2012 2013 2785 Describes the exchange program between Fudan University Library and the University Libraries at Appalachian State University, 2009-2012. The exchange resulted in several scholarly publications and enhanced cultural awareness on both campuses.
Institutional Respositories: A Good Idea for North Carolina 2007 1226 Librarians at universities in North Carolina are beginning to consider whether to establish electronic repositories where faculty and students can deposit copies of their scholarship for preservation and world-wide access. This article addresses a nu...
Kinnell Is Serving Oatmeal 2023 75 A poem written in response to Galway Kinnell's poem, "Oatmeal," that was published in The Galway Review, the leading literary magazine of Galway, Ireland.
Latin Americanists and Librarians: Their Nexus through Technology and Interdisciplinarity 2001 1298 In recent years we have seen a rapid emergence of a wide variety of Latin American studies resources related to “globalization.” This body of new literature often transcends boundaries of traditional social science disciplines. The social science l...
Latin American Studies Online: A Review of Free Peer-Reviewed Journals 2004 1144 Public services librarians seeking to assist researchers in Latin American studies are increasingly augmenting their searches to include online publications not generally indexed in typical library journal and newspaper databases. Allan Scherlen intr...
Librarians Connecting Scholars Through The American Culture Center Program In China 2015 1556 The authors discuss how librarians from a medium size academic library can build a major international partnership through their successful leadership of an American Cultural Center in China. The authors describe bringing together scholars from thei...
Local to Global: The Importance of State-Level Journals to Library Literature 2008 2455 While the publishing needs of many state library associations are comfortably served by newsletters and Web sites, a number of state library associations produce major library journals that serve readers beyond their state membership. The author inte...
Looking At Journals From Both Sides 2005 1644 The author describes his contrasting experiences with publishing an open access society journal and advising a regional association in regards to turning over publication of its journal to a major commercial publishing firm. Using his experience of p...
Losing Our Libraries: Misguided Leadership 2023 167 Previous studies have indicated that academic libraries can be stressful places to work, with one of the main reasons being poor leadership. Library administrators continue to fit a common mold transitioning academic libraries into more business-like...
A Lost Butterfly In Shanghai 2022 117 A poem published in The RavensPerch (May 20, 2022), an online international literary and visual arts magazine.
Mesquite (A Video Poem) 2024 107 A video, and printed, poem published in The Hong Kong Review.
National Union Catalog: Asset or Albatross? 2012 1636 Summary of Conference Presentation: Midsize academic libraries face many unique challenges, particularly in the greyer areas of collection management. This presentation addresses these challenges faced by libraries in midsize institutions and how the...
NUC, Quo Vadis? Have Mid-Size Academic Libraries Retained the National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints? 2013 1808 Mid-size academic libraries face the dilemma of limited funding and space but are expected to provide the tools their graduate students and faculty need to compete in research. A question faced by these institutions is whether to weed potentially us...
The One-Box Challenge: Providing a Federated Search That Benefits the Research Process 2006 2829 The one-box federated search of databases brings as many challenges as promises to database searching, especially in terms of adapting these systems to user needs and the effects this new mode of searching will have on users' research behaviors. This...
Open Access to Criminal Justice Scholarship: A Matter of Social Justice 2008 3925 The paper argues that criminal justice scholarship disseminated through the traditional journal subscription model is not consistent with social justice. Adoption of "open access" principles in publishing benefits both authors and readers through bro...
Perceptions of Open Access Publishing among Academic Journal Editors in China 2007 3520 Open access publishing is examined from the perspective of academic journal editors in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In addition to providing background information on academic publishing in China, the author incorporates interviews with two...
Pollen Fallen 2023 70 A poem published in the Autumn 2023 issue of New Note Poetry, an online poetry magazine that features only the boldest poets and their verses. Our motto is "poetry is the jazz of the written word."
Publishing in Criminal Justice and Criminology: Assessing Journal Editors Awareness and Acceptance of Open Access 2009 1941 The authors, building upon a previous article that challenged the subscription-based journal publishing model, assess the awareness and attitudes of editors of journals in criminal justice and criminology toward open access, author rights, and relate...
Responsible Internet Use 1997 5426 Steps to follow and advice to consider for protecting students from inappropriate material on the Web and helping them to be responsible Internet users.
Review of Argentina - Hope in Hard Times 2005 1809 Review of film documentary - Positive review
A Review of Buncombe Bob; The Life and Times of Robert Rice Reynolds 2001 990 Book Review - recommended
Review of Developing Library and Information Center Collections by G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro 2007 4612 Book review - recommended with reservations
A Review of the Documentary, The World Stopped Watching 2005 909 Video Documentary Review
Review of Evaluation of Library Collections, Access and Electronic Resources: A Literature Guide and Annotated Bibliography by Thomas E. Nisonger. 2004 1048 Book Review - Recommended
Review of John Gibler's Mexico Unconquered: chronicles of power and revolt 2010 1095 Book Review - recommended
Review of Library Collection Development Policies: Academic, Public, and Special Libraries by Frank W. Hoffman and Richard J. Wood 2006 1421 Book review - not recommended
Review of The Sixth Division - Military-Paramilitary Ties and U.S. Policy in Colombia 2002 765 Book Review - recommended
Review of They Call Me Muslim: Two Women Two Choices about the Hijab 2008 1106 Review of Documentary film on DVD. Positive review
Seeking Philosophy Journals on the Web: Scholarly, Full-text, and Free 2002 1785 Allan Scherlen introduces us to the elusive world of free, online, peer-reviewed journals in philosophy. He argues that free e-journals, although often well respected among specialists within the field, can paradoxically be obscured from library rese...
A Sighting In Cholula 2023 127 A poem published in Progenitor: Art & Literary Journal (Volume 58).
Three Poems - "For The Blood Of A Poet, Octavio Paz"; "A Fiesta On The International Bridge"; "Esta Noche Bailamos" 2024 119 Azahares is the University of Arkansas, Fort Smith's award-winning, Spanish-language literary magazine. The azahar, or orange blossoms, is "a flower of special meaning." Scherlen recounts three stories (as poems): his meeting with the great Octavio P...
Through The Disco Labyrinth 2021 121 A poem published in The RavensPerch (December 20, 2021), an online international literary and visual arts magazine.
The Tiger Bones Of Borges 2022 134 A poem published in "Vermilion", Flash Issue 9, July 2022. Founded in 2021, Vermilion is the student-run online literary magazine of the English Department of The Catholic University of America. Vermilion publishes original, high quality literary fic...
Tiger Bones: A Video Poem 2023 98 This video poem, "Tiger Bones," is a joint production of poet Allan Scherlen and video editing specialist, Dylan Beiler. An earlier version of the poem called “The Tiger Bones of Borges" was published by Vermillion, in Flash Issue 9, July 2022, the s...
The View From Mexico: Voices Of Mexican Journal Editors And Librarians On Challenges Of The Journal Publishing Ecosystem For Researchers Of The Global South 2019 232 Research organizations in the Global North push for agreements with major international journal publishers to find solutions to the journal inflation and access crises to make their state-funded research open access. Researchers and educational insti...
Voices Versus Visions: A Commentary On Academic Library Collections And New Directions 2019 1255 Academic library collections are under pressure to follow dominant voices in the library world to redefine library missions and collections according to emerging trends in new library services. These trends call for a shift in focus away from traditi...
Weeding With Wisdom: Tuning Deselection Of Print Monographs In Book-Reliant Disciplines 2017 3401 As university libraries transition to digital collections and new services, their book deselection projects often lead to the adoption of cross-discipline quantitative weeding criteria (such as age and low circulation) in the interest of speed and p...
What In The World Is Watauga? 2000 9177 Newspaper feature explores the history and mythology of the word, Watauga, a common name for places and businesses in western North Carolina but also found to be a name for places in the Dakotas and Texas as well.

Odum Institute Dataverse Network :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Academic Library Experience 2013 2734 While scholarship has addressed issues around serving international students in U.S. libraries, until recently, relatively little attention has been directly focused upon the library needs of specific ethnic groups. This study surveys 83 Chinese stud...