Michael, Kurt


There are 11 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Dose Response Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in a Rural School Mental Health Program 2015 1916 School mental health (SMH) programs have been shown to be effective in providing empirically-based treatment to youth. However, a limitation of SMH programs is that they entail holiday breaks and typically do not operate over the summer, along with t...
The CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Suicide Prevention Skills Among A Sample Of Resident Assistants 2017 669 Suicide is a significant public health concern accounting for nearly 121 deaths per day. Many prevention programs focus on improving knowledge regarding suicide, yet most fail to address how individuals elect to harm themselves. In an attempt to addr...
The Relationship Between Perceived Criticism And Psychotherapy Outcome In A Sample Of Outpatient Adolescents 2018 2167 Expressed emotion (EE), purportedly hostile, critical, and emotionally over-involved attitudes in relationships, has been implicated as a predictor of adolescent psychological outcomes (Peris & Miklowitz, 2015). An underlying construct of EE, perceiv...
Gender Differences, Social Roles, And Treatment Responses: Are Female Adolescents Better Responders In The Context Of School Mental Health? 2018 698 Though some studies with youth suggested that females might respond more favorably to psychotherapy than their male counterparts, other literature suggests there are no differences in improvement based on gender. The question of whether female adoles...
The Counseling On Access To Lethal Means (CALM) Gatekeeper Training Improves Confidence In Suicide Prevention Techniques Among A Sample Of Academic Advisors 2019 747 Suicide is a persistent public health problem in the United States. Currently, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death among the general US population. Efforts to address the suicide problem have been implemented, however, there is ample skeptici...
Rate And Method Of Suicide Attempts In The US Between 1992 And 2010: Geographic And Demographic Differences 2017 1079 It is widely recognized that one of the most effective suicide prevention strategies is to restrict access to highly lethal methods of suicide (e.g., firearms, pesticides). However, there is a paucity of recent studies that assess the potential corre...
CALM CARPE Diem Gatekeeper Training For Resident Assistants 2020 573 Suicide prevention has become a focal point on college campuses as the concept of suicide prevention is more widely understood and epidemiological findings suggest that the rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among this population are increasing...
Attrition And Covid-19: Two Factors That Limited The Analysis Of The Calm Carpe Diem Gatekeeper Training For College Professionals 2021 308 The risk of suicide on college campuses has become a major concern among students and other college professionals in the United States. In response to the rise in suicidal thoughts and behaviors, colleges and universities have invested in different t...
Examining The Validity Of A Composite Measure Of Core Items On The CAMS Suicide Status Form (SSF) With A History Of Suicide Attempts Among A Sample Of Rural Adolescents 2023 286 According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is now the second leading cause of death for adolescents ages 12 to 17. Suicide risk assessments such as the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) can be used...
Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Effective in Reducing Internalizing Symptoms in the Context of a Rural School Mental Health Program? 2013 2669 School mental health (SMH) programs provide an opportunity to serve adolescents who might otherwise not receive adequate mental health care. The effectiveness of the Assessment, Support, and Counseling (ASC) Center, a SMH program in rural western No...
Facilitators And Barriers Of Parental Engagement In Social Emotional Learning Programs For Middle Schoolers: A Systematic Literature Review 2022 397 The three primary goals of the review were to: 1) further validate what is already known about the barriers and facilitators of parent engagement in school based SEL programs for rural middle schoolers; 2) identify novel contributing factors to engag...