Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The Effects Of The Passage Of Time Within The Learned Helplessness Paradigm And Depression |
1976 |
358 |
Ninety-six subjects were administered the Beck Depression Inventory and on the basis of their scores, assigned to depressed or nondepressed groups. A block randomization procedure was used to assign subjects to time and treatment groups. There were 8... |
Biofeedback And The Role Of Paradoxical Instruction |
1984 |
80 |
This study investigated the use of standard or paradoxical instruction in conjunction with biofeedback training in the achievement of relaxation.... |
The Structure And Functioning Of Social Support Systems Of Married, Single, And Divorced Mothers With Young Children |
1990 |
464 |
This study sought to describe more precisely the structure and functioning of the social support systems of mothers with young children. Married, single, and divorced mothers were compared in terms of the size of their social networks, their perceive... |
Differences In Personality Characteristics Of A Younger Male Sibling In A Two-Child Family As A Function Of The Sex And Age Spacing Of The Older Sibling |
1982 |
310 |
This study considered the differences in personality characteristics of a younger male as a function of the sex and age spacing of the older sibling.... |
Biofeedback And Relaxation: The Role Of Individual Differences |
1983 |
316 |
This study investigated the role of two personality factors, level of anxiety and capacity for absorption, in the achievement of relaxation.... |
Recovering Alcoholics: Depression, Anger, And Assertiveness |
1983 |
132 |
A 2 x 3 factorial analysis of variance design was used to investigate the effects of Length of Sobriety and Relapse on depresĀsion, anger, and assertiveness. Measurements used to test the dependent variables were the Zung Depression Scale, Speilberge... |
Two Methods For Increasing Self-Disclosure |
1980 |
272 |
In order to examine the effects of using brief projective techniques in an initial interview upon certain aspects of the interviewer-interviewee relationship, 60 undergraduates were interviewed.... |
Predicting Adolescent Adjustment: Maternal Depression And Social Competency |
1997 |
128 |
Maternal depression and child adjustment are related, and the purpose of this study was to examine this relationship, adding family stress and social competency to the relationship in an effort to identify additional variables predictive of child adj... |
Maternal Attitudes And Maternal Behaviors In A Free-Play And Achievement Task Situation |
1977 |
259 |
Twenty-three mothers and their children participated in both an achievement task and free-play session, in which the order of the sessions were randomized across subjects.... |
The Effects Of Academic Achievement On Self Concept Of The Early Elementary Student |
1978 |
306 |
This research attempted to isolate differences between males and females in regard to self concept and academic achievement. Research into this area has been marked by several problems including difficulty of ascertaining self concept in the young ch... |
Feedback And Instructions In Verbal Discrimination Learning |
1978 |
797 |
A 2 x 2 x 3 factorial analysis of variance was employed to investigate the effects of instructions and feedback on performance in a discrimination learning task.... |
Self-Evaluation And Depression: The Effects Of Self-Esteem Versus Self-Acceptance On Measures Of Affect, Beliefs And Intellectual Performance |
1983 |
336 |
Whereas the self-esteem model for self-evaluation permeates the field of psychology, Albert Ellis, in his theory of rational emotive therapy, proposes an alternative in a self-acceptance model. While self-esteem is based on significant others and per... |