Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work By Type - HONORS PROJECT

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The #IwillovercomeCOVID19 Project (Student Work)2020Umozurike, Godgive NnennayaECU
"...While the music lasts" : the timeless moment in the modern quest for unity (Student Work)1971Beamon, Glenda WardEducation, UNCG
¡Cómo produce la tierra! A Documentary on Life, Land, Family and Food Among Mexican-American... (Student Work)2015Logsdon, Kenneth Bachelor of ScienceAnthropology - Student, ASU
3,4-Diaminopyridine as a Treatment for Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) (Student Work)2019Melvin, Savannah Bachelor of ScienceEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Biology, UNCP
34-Diaminopyridine as a Treatment for Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) (Student Work)2019Melvin, Savannah Bachelor of ScienceEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Biology, UNCP
Abrahamic Religions And Terrorism: The Common Themes And Power Of Politics (Student Work)2020Parker, Alexander D.Bachelor of ArtsPhilosophy and Religion - Student, ASU
Absolut Vodka Media Plan 2019 (Student Work)2018Adams, Maria Bachelor of ArtsCommunication - Student, ASU
Academic Achievement: The Interaction between Personality and Mental Health (Student Work)2006Zimmermann, A. Michael Bachelor of ScienceUniversity Honors College, UNCP
Accessibility over Appeal: Developing Classical Music Audiences through Community (Student Work)2015Knotts, Anna Bachelor of ScienceCommunication - Student, ASU
Accuracy Of In-Situ Audiometry Versus Traditional Audiometry For First Fit Hearing Aid Fitti... (Student Work)2022Brazda, Abigail GraceBachelor of ScienceRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
The Acolytes of Being: A Definition of "Transcendence" in German History and Politics (Student Work)2015Long , Emily Bachelor of Arts History - Student, ASU
The Adequacy And Impact Of Financial Literacy Education In The United States (Student Work)2018Hamiter, Madeline Bachelor of ScienceFinance, Banking, and Insurance - Student, ASU
ADHD Traits, Emotion Dysregulation, And Romantic Relationship Satisfaction In College Studen... (Student Work)2020Davenport, Toria ReneeBachelor of SciencePsychology - Student, ASU
The Advertising Effectiveness Of Anthropomorphic Spokes Characters Versus Spokespeople In A ... (Student Work)2020Edwards, Abigail H.Bachelor of ScienceMarketing - Student, ASU
Advertising In An Assembled Franchise: Utilizing Product Placement As Storytelling Instrumen... (Student Work)2019Clark, Jean-Luc Bachelor of ScienceCommunication - Student, ASU
Aeschylus' Agamemnon : a translation (Student Work)1966Derkics, Dorothy J.Classical Civilization, UNCG
Afro-Orientalism: An Exploration of the Relationship Between African Americans and the Japan... (Student Work)2020Lewis, Alana E.B.A.English, UNCG
Age Differences In Emotional Response To Future Events (Student Work)2018Steinbicker, Natalie Bachelor of SciencePsychology - Student, ASU
Age Structured SIR Models With Quarantining And Vaccination (Student Work)2021Owensby, Cameron Bachelor of ScienceMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
Agenda Setting: the Media’s Role in Abolishing the Death Penalty in New Jersey (Student Work)2010Schmidt, Tiffany Bachelor of ScienceHonors College, Mass Communication, UNCP
Aid to and from Family by Immigrants in College (Student Work)2019Harris, Jonathan A.B.A.Sociology, UNCG
Alexander Herzen : a study (Student Work)1959Long, Jacqueline History, UNCG
Algebraic Thinking: Exploring Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions And Vertical Alignment In The... (Student Work)2021Gaillard, Greylyn Bachelor of ScienceMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
Alphabet Knowledge Interventions And Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Need For Mnemonics Or Motiv... (Student Work)2020Poythress, Haley ChristineBachelor of SciencePsychology - Student, ASU
Alternative Billing Structures For Watauga County Municipal Buildings (Student Work)2019Lorenzini, Katherine Bachelor of ScienceSustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU