Supporting transgender students in higher education classrooms

WCU Author/Contributor (non-WCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Dean S. Paulk (Creator)
Western Carolina University (WCU )
Web Site:
Jess Weiler

Abstract: Trans people make up about 0.53% of the population or more. Many of these individuals, particularly in the higher education classroom setting, do not feel supported and are subject to discrimination and oppression. Many faculty are not up to date on terminology or ways to be trans-inclusive in the classroom. Studies show that professional development can be a useful technique in the learning and development (PD) of faculty in being more trans-inclusive in their classrooms. Utilizing Queer Theory, this disquisition examines faculty at Southeastern Valley Community College and their trans-inclusiveness before and after a PD that was developed based on the Transgender Inclusive Behavior Scale (TIBS) and the experiences of trans graduates of the institution. This research showed an improvement in the TIBS scores after the PD, as well as increased trans-inclusive behaviors in the classroom as a result.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
trans, transgender, higher education, TIBS, trans-inclusiveness, professional development
Transgender students
Transgender college students
Transphobia in schools
Career development
Teachers—Training of

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