Image processing to optimize wave energy converters

WCU Author/Contributor (non-WCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Kyle Marc-Anthony Bailey (Creator)
Western Carolina University (WCU )
Web Site:
Peter Tay

Abstract: The world is turning to renewable energies as a means of ensuring the planet’s future and wellbeing.There have been a few attempts in the past to utilize wave power as a means of generatingelectricity through the use of Wave Energy Converters (WEC), but only recently are theybecoming a focal point in the renewable energy field. Over the past few years there has been aglobal drive to advance the efficiency of WEC. Placing a mechanical device either onshore oroffshore that captures the energy within ocean surface waves to drive a mechanical device is howwave power is produced. This paper seeks to provide a novel and innovative way to estimate oceanwave frequency through the use of image processing. This will be achieved by applying a complexmodulated lapped orthogonal transform filter bank to satellite images of ocean waves. Thecomplex modulated lapped orthogonal transform filterbank provides an equal subbanddecomposition of the Nyquist bounded discrete time Fourier Transform spectrum. The maximumenergy of the 2D complex modulated lapped transform subband is used to determine the horizontaland vertical frequency, which subsequently can be used to determine the wave frequency in thedirection of the WEC by a simple trigonometric scaling. The robustness of the proposed methodis provided by the applications to simulated and real satellite images where the frequency is known.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2016
Ocean wave power
Image processing -- Digital techniques
Remote-sensing images
Ocean energy resources
Renewable energy sources

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