Browse Author By Last Name - C

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There are 85 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Coleman, Jennifer PaigeChemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Cheek, Morgan EliseChemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Condon, Erin MarieBiology, WCU Student
Caric, Katelyn Chemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Clark, Samantha Anthropology and Sociology, WCU Student
Correa, Eduardo AntonioPsychology, WCU Student
Clay, Jessie English, WCU Student
Colaluca, Lori AnnettePsychology, WCU Student
Crave, Jerad J.Human Services, WCU Student
Cook, Hannah MarieBiology, WCU Student
Combs, Jared English, WCU Student
Cook, Stephanie ReginaEnglish, WCU Student
Carroll, Britney JoArt and Design, WCU Student
Corwin, Caleb James Psychology, WCU Student
Curtis, Alan DaleBiology, WCU Student
Carroll, Meredith Layne Biology, WCU Student
Causby, Cory ScottHuman Services, WCU Student
Clark, Gina L.Psychology, WCU Student
Conn, Richard EricArt and Design, WCU Student
Costner, Ashley NicolePsychology, WCU Student
Cowan, Teresa HoltHuman Services, WCU Student
Crump, Tracy LynnHuman Services, WCU Student
Cunningham, Courtney English, WCU Student
Caskey, David "Forrest" MeltonEnglish, WCU Student
Chappell, Courtney GlennArt and Design, WCU Student