Amanda Elizabeth Tanner

I received my undergraduate degree from Saint Olaf College. I completed my graduate work at Indiana University a master's in public health and my doctorate in health behavior where I trained with the Center for Sexual Health Promotion and the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. I completed postdoctoral research fellowships at the Indiana University School of Medicine Section of Adolescent Medicine and with the W.K. Kellogg Community Health Scholars Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health. Research Interests As a public health behavioral researcher, I am interested in health disparities especially as they relate to sexual and reproductive health outcomes. The central, integrated research areas that drive my public health research agenda include: 1) Community Engagement; 2) Infectious Disease Behavioral Science; and 3) Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health. In order to adequately address public health issues, especially health disparities, I believe it is crucial to conduct research grounded in the community and in strong theoretical and conceptual frameworks. My training in health behavior necessitates an understanding of both the individual and community context under which behaviors occur to promote sexual and reproductive health. While my research focuses primarily on women and adolescents within each of these research areas, I endeavor to maintain a focus on diverse populations to consider how these complex issues are understood within specific cultural contexts. Methodologically I incorporate quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method designs as appropriate to the specific research question.

There are 96 included publications by Amanda Elizabeth Tanner :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
10. Daily Emotional and Behavioral Interactions in Young Men's and Young Women's Single and Multiple Partner Relationships 2015 1056 Purpose: Public health risk reduction efforts commonly focus on avoiding multiple-partner relationships, as they can be associated with increased sexual risk behaviors (e.g. inconsistent condom-use). During adolescence, however, young people normativ...
11. Event-Level Attributes of Young Women's First and Subsequent Non-coital Sexual Behaviors 2015 967 Purpose: First vaginal sex is constructed as a significant event imbued with cultural relevance. Voluminous literature documents cultural, social, religious, and psychological influences on first coitus. Comparably little is known about first non-coi...
14. Contraceptive Microbicide Attitudes Among Young Women 2012 289 Purpose: To evaluate relationship and behavioral predictors of attitudes towards contraceptive versus non-contraceptive microbicides among young women.
165. Linkage to care and engagement in care for newly diagnosed HIV-positive youth within fifteen adolescent medicine clinics in the United States 2012 217 Purpose: The National HIV/AIDS Strategy emphasizes the importance of linkage to care (LTC) for newly diagnosed persons. However, 30% or more of newly diagnosed youth are not linked-to-care within 6 months. The study describes a structural interventio...
167. The Importance of “Youth Friendly” Clinical Environments for Linking Newly Diagnosed HIV-Positive Adolescents to Care 2012 1017 Purpose: Clinic-specific factors, including physical space and staff characteristics, are associated with linkage to care and engagement in care for newly diagnosed HIV-positive youth. Little research has addresses key components of “youth-friendly” ...
184. Addressing Adolescent Pregnancy and Birth in Baltimore: A Youth Focus Group Study 2011 971 Purpose: Teen pregnancy and birth continue to be major public health issues in the United States, particularly in urban centers with various related issues (e.g., poverty, educational underachievement). Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to e...
2526: Using the multiphase optimization strategy to engineer an optimized STI preventive intervention among college students 2017 318 OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: The goal of this study is to develop an effective and efficient STI preventive intervention among college students following the principles and phases of MOST.
30. Transitioning Adolescents With HIV to Adult Care: Examining Processes at Twelve Adolescent Medicine Clinics 2015 956 Purpose: The provision of uninterrupted care as youth with HIV transition from pediatric and adolescent to adult HIV care is essential as disengagement from care has implications for an individual's HIV-related and overall health and with the demonst...
31: Stability of Attitudes About Microbicides in Young Women 2008 218 Purpose: To assess attitudes toward vaginal microbicides for sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and stability of those attitudes over a 3-month period among female adolescents.
69: Relationships and male influence on young women’s use of a microbicide-proxy 2007 936 Purpose: Vaginal microbicides are proposed as woman-controlled, potentially surreptitious methods of STD prevention. However, little is known about how such products are used in the context of romantic and sexual relationships of adolescent and young...
79. Utilizing a Public-Private Partnership to Develop a Strategic Plan to Reduce Teen Birth, STI, and HIV Rates Among Urban Youth 2011 205 Purpose: After significant decline since the early 1990's, rates of teen births in Baltimore increased in 2005 and 2006. Despite a slight rate decrease (from 66.4 to 63.7/1,000 females age 15-19) from 2007 to 2008, the City's teen birth rate remained...
Acceptability of HPV vaccine implementation among parents in India 2013 1859 Due to high cervical cancer rates and limited research on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptability in India, the research team examined parental attitudes toward HPV vaccines. Thirty-six interviews with parents were conducted to assess sexual...
Acceptability of the vaginal contraceptive ring among adolescent women 2010 240 Background: Although highly effective, the vaginal contraceptive ring is used infrequently by adolescents. We examined adolescents' willingness to try the vaginal ring, and its association with method of insertion, genital comfort, and method charact...
Acceptability of the vaginal contraceptive ring among adolescent women. 2011 1574 Study Objective Although underutilized, the vaginal contraceptive ring has several advantages over other contraceptive methods that could benefit adolescents. We examined factors that may influence willingness to try the vaginal ring including: sexu...
Adolescent and Adult HIV Providers' Definitions of HIV-Infected Youths' Successful Transition to Adult Care in the United States 2017 221 It is important for both individual- and population-level health that HIV-infected individuals progress through the Care Continuum. However, HIV-infected youth frequently disengage from care during transition from pediatric/adolescent to adult care; ...
Adolescent to adult HIV health care transition from the perspective of adult providers in the United States 2017 987 Purpose: The HIV Care Continuum highlights the need for HIV-infected youth to be tested, linked, and maintained in lifelong care. Care engagement is important for HIV-infected youth in order for them to stay healthy, maintain a low viral load, and re...
Ambivalent messages: Adolescents’ perspectives on pregnancy and birth 2013 1856 Purpose To examine, from a youth’s perspective, adolescent pregnancy and parenting in Baltimore, Maryland, a city with high rates of adolescent pregnancy. Methods Six gender-stratified focus groups with 13- to 19-year-olds (4 female and 2 male g...
Are social organizational factors independently associated with a current bacterial sexually transmitted infection among urban adolescents and young adults? 2014 216 This study explored the relationship between the social organization of neighborhoods including informal social control and social cohesion and a current bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) among adolescents and young adults in one U.S. ur...
Arousal loss associated with safer sex and risk of pregnancy: Implications for women's and men's sexual health. 2009 1168 CONTEXT: Few studies have examined arousal loss associated with safer-sex practices or the perceived risk of unintended pregnancy, let alone its associations with sexual risk practices. METHODS: An Internet survey conducted in 2004–2006 among 2,39...
The Association between Incarceration and Transactional Sex among HIV-infected Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States 2018 243 Criminal justice practices in the USA disproportionately affect sexual and racial/ethnic minority men, who are at higher risk of incarceration. Previous research demonstrates associations between incarceration and sexual risk behaviors for men who ha...
The association between recreational parks, facilities and childhood obesity: a cross-sectional study of the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health 2013 2119 Background: Despite the rising childhood obesity rates, few studies have examined the association between access to recreational parks and facilities and obesity.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 42 278 US children who part...
Barriers to HIV Testing Within a Sample of Spanish-speaking Latinx Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men: Implications for HIV Prevention and Care 2019 200 Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) have higher rates of HIV infection compared to the general population in the United States, and the infection rate is growing among Latinx GBMSM, compared to a decline in most other demograph...
Black Female Adolescents’ Sexuality: Pleasure Expectancies, Sexual Guilt, and Age of Sexual Debut 2021 101 This study examined individual and familial influences on Black female adolescents’ (N = 1426) sexual pleasure expectancies, sexual guilt, and age of sexual debut using data from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent to Adult Health. Results ...
Black First-Year College Students’ Alcohol Outcome Expectancies 2020 952 Background: Alcohol outcome expectancies (AOEs) are associated with college students’ varied alcohol consumption. Existing research on AOEs focuses primarily on heterosexual White students. Thus, it is important to explore how the intersection of mul...
Challenges to HIV management among youth engaged in HIV care 2017 324 Regardless of medical advancements, new HIV infections persist. Young adults are most often newly infected, thus research is needed to assess medication adherence barriers specific to young adults with HIV. The data were abstracted from medical chart...
A Comparison of Young Womens Actual and Assigned Timing-of-Use of a Microbicide Surrogate 2010 1123 Purpose: Microbicide effectiveness for HIV/STI prevention may require specific timing of application in relationship to coitus. We examined actual timing of use of a microbicide surrogate (vaginal moisturizer [VM]) compared to assigned timing conditi...
A daily diary analysis of condom breakage and slippage during vaginal sex or anal sex among adolescent women 2016 254 Background: Adolescent women are disproportionately impacted by the adverse outcomes associated with sexual activity, including sexually transmitted infections (STI). Condoms as a means of prevention relies on use that is free of usage failure, inclu...
Depressive symptoms among Latino sexual minority men and Latina transgender women in a new settlement state: the role of perceived discrimination 2016 420 Background. Little is known about the role of discrimination on depression among Latino sexual and gender identity minorities. This manuscript examined the relationship between ethnic/racial discrimination and sexual discrimination on clinically sign...
Does oral contraceptive-induced reduction in free testosterone adversely affect the sexuality and mood of women? 2007 1594 The aim of this study was to examine whether changes in plasma androgen levels (total testosterone (T), free testosterone (FT), and dehydro-epiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S)) induced by oral contraceptive (OC) use were related to changes in sexual int...
The effects of oral contraceptives on SHBG and free testosterone and their relevance to premenstrual mood and sexual interest: A comparison of two triphasic formulations containing norgestimate and either 35µg or 25µg of ethinyl estradiol. 2007 2228 Purpose This study compared two oral contraceptives (OCs) with the same triphasic regimen of progestin (norgestimate 0.18, 0.215 and 0.25 mg) but differing doses of ethinyl estradiol (EE) — 25 and 35 µg EE — in their effects on androgens, mood and s...
ENGAGED for CHANGE: A Community-Engaged Process for Developing Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities 2017 1346 The science underlying the development of individual, community, system, and policy interventions designed to reduce health disparities has lagged behind other innovations. Few models, theoretical frameworks, or processes exist to guide intervention ...
Engaging Vulnerable Adolescents in a Pregnancy Prevention Program: Perspectives of Prime Time Staff. 2012 2270 Introduction Evaluating interventions for reducing unintended adolescent pregnancy is necessary to ensure quality and efficacy. The purpose of this study was to examine core case management practices and processes for engaging high-risk girls in Pri...
Ethno-epidemiological research challenges: Networks of long-haul truckers in the inner city 2016 277 Long-haul truck drivers and members of their social networks in urban locales constitute a hard-to-reach population at risk for acquiring and disseminating STIs/HIV. This paper focuses on the unique logistical, methodological, and ethical challenges ...
Expectations and Experiences of Side Effects Among Adolescent Women Using Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2010 209 Background: Intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-IM) has known physical side effects including changes in bleeding. A lower dose, subcutaneous formulation (DMPA-SC) is available with a similar side effect profile among adult women; h...
An exploratory study of selected sexual knowledge and attitudes of Indiana adults 2007 1134 Although there are numerous ways to obtain accurate information about sexuality, research suggests that many American adults do not have accurate sexuality and sexual health knowledge. This research investigated selected sexual knowledge and attitude...
Factors Affecting Linkage to Care and Engagement in Care for Newly Diagnosed HIV-Positive Adolescents within Fifteen Adolescent Medicine Clinics in the United States 2014 2065 Early linkage to care and engagement in care are critical for initiation of medical interventions. However, over 50 % of newly diagnosed persons do not receive HIV-related care within 6 months of diagnosis. We evaluated a linkage to care and engageme...
Factors Influencing Health Care Access Perceptions and Care-seeking Behaviors of Immigrant Latino Sexual Minority Men and Transgender Individuals: Baseline Findings from the HOLA Intervention Study 2014 3085 Little is known about immigrant Latino sexual minorities’ health seeking behaviors. This study examined factors associated with perceptions of access and actual care behaviors among this population in North Carolina. Methods: A community-based partic...
Female Sex Work Within the Rural Immigrant Latino Community in the Southeast United States: An Exploratory Qualitative Community-Based Participatory Research Study 2012 2025 of, and the risks encountered in, sex work in the United States. Objective: This community-based participatory research (CBPR) study explored female sex work and the feasibility of conducting a larger study of sex work within the immigrant Latino...
First-year college students’ alcohol and hookup behaviours: Sexual scripting and implications for sexual health promotion 2019 1605 This study used a sexual scripting framework to analyse data from the Online College Social Life Survey to examine the role of individual, (e.g. gender, race and alcohol use), relational (partner type, condom use behaviours), and contextual factors (...
Harnessing “Scale-Up and Spread” to Support Community Uptake of the HoMBReS por un Cambio Intervention for Spanish-Speaking Men: Implementation Science Lessons Learned by a CBPR Partnership 2020 197 Latinx men in the southern United States are affected disproportionately by HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, few evidence-based prevention interventions exist to promote health equity within this population. Developed by...
The health impact of experiences of discrimination, violence, and immigration enforcement among Latino men in a new settlement state 2018 308 Among Latinos in the United States, particularly in new settlement states, racial/ethnic discrimination, violence, and immigration enforcement contribute to health disparities. These types of experiences were explored among Latino men in North Caroli...
Health-care transition from adolescent to adult services for young people with HIV 2018 1355 HIV-related care and treatment engagement are crucial steps to improve individual and population-level health; yet, many young people (18–25 years old) with HIV are not maintained in, or disengage from, care. Health-care transition and the transfer t...
Healthcare Transition for Youth Living With HIV: Outcomes from a Prospective Multi-site Study 2018 1053 Purpose: Youth living with HIV (YLHIV) in the United States (U.S.) account for nearly one-third of new HIV infections and face significant barriers to care engagement; only 25% are virally suppressed. Healthcare transition (HCT) from pediatric/adoles...
HIV prevention interventions with adolescents: Innovations and challenges in partnerships across the integrated transitions model 2014 1517 In the USA, the incidence of HIV is rapidly increasing among young people. To increase the effectiveness of HIV prevention and care, efforts for adolescents should consist of interdisciplinary partnerships that address the complexity of the populatio...
HIV testing, care referral and linkage to care intervals affect time to engagement in care for newly diagnosed HIV-infected adolescents in fifteen adolescent medicine clinics in the United States 2016 323 Objective: To examine how the time from HIV testing to care referral and from referral to care linkage influenced time to care engagement for newly diagnosed HIV-infected adolescents.

Methods: We evaluated the Care Initiative, a care linkage a...
HIV-prevention opportunities with GPS-based social and sexual networking applications for men who have sex with men 2017 335 The goal of this study was to gain insight on the sexual health needs of men who have sex with men (MSM) who use GPS-based social and sexual networking mobile applications (apps) and the future utility of app-based interventions. A health educator pr...
A hybrid evaluation-optimization trial to evaluate an intervention targeting the intersection of alcohol and sex in college students and simultaneously test an additional component aimed at preventing sexual violence 2021 624 Background: Using the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST), we previously developed and optimized an online behavioral intervention, itMatters, aimed at reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI) among first-year college students b...
The impact of gender expectations on meanings of sex and sexuality: Results from a cognitive interview study. 2010 3623 This study uses cognitive interviewing to examine individuals’ interpretations of sexuality-related questions and meanings of sex and sexuality. The sample includes 20 adults (12 women and 8 men) who were randomly selected university staff in the Mid...
The impact of HIV-related stigma on HIV Care and Prevention providers. 2007 1573 Very little is known about the extent to which HIV care and prevention providers who work for U.S. community-based organizations are affected by the types of stigma that have been well documented as impacting those living with HIV and those who provi...
The impact of neighborhood disadvantage on adolescent women’s romantic relationship development 2016 1000 Purpose: Neighborhood-level disadvantage is an influential context for adolescent sexual risk behaviors, yet little is known about how this same context of disadvantage may impact the characteristics of romantic relationships that precede and organiz...
Increasing cervical cancer screening among US Hispanics/Latinas: A qualitative systematic review 2014 424 Hispanic/Latina women experience the highest cervical cancer incidence rates of any racial/ethnic group in the USA and tend to present with more severe cases and experience higher mortality compared to most other populations. The goals of this qualit...
Individual and Partner Attributes of Young Women’s Sexual & Protective Behaviors 2016 986 Purpose: Adolescent women’s sexual behaviors are complex with varying motivations that include specific partners, sexual pleasure and satisfaction, and the fertility desires. These factors may affect protective behaviors (e.g., condom use) thus affec...
Individual and structural factors influencing HIV care linkage and engagement: Perceived barriers and solutions among HIV-positive persons 2016 1568 To meet the National HIV/AIDS Strategy’s goals of reducing and preventing HIV transmission, understanding factors that shape HIV-positive persons’ care-seeking behaviors is critical. Accordingly, this study examined factors that affect HIV care linka...
Informal sexuality education in schools: Student sexuality-related questions asked of public school personnel 2007 809 Sexuality education occurs both formally and informally in the public school system. This study sought to assess sexuality education in Indiana public schools-the classroom curricula as well as students' sexuality-related questions. Data were collect...
Integration of HIV testing and linkage to care by the Baltimore City Health Department 2010 935 To the Editor: With an estimated 25% of HIV-infected persons nationwide unaware of their infection status,1 HIV testing and then connection to care is crucial care. In response to the high HIV incidence in Baltimore,2 the Baltimore City Health Depart...
The Intersection Between Women’s Reproductive Desires and HIV Care Providers’ Reproductive Health Practices: A Mixed Methods Analysis 2018 999 Background: HIV-positive women in the United States can have healthy pregnancies and avoid transmitting HIV to their children. Yet, little is known about the extent to which HIV care providers’ reproductive health practices match women’s pregnancy de...
The “kaleidoscope” of factors influencing urban adolescent pregnancy in Baltimore, Maryland 2015 1876 Existing intervention and prevention efforts for adolescent pregnancy focus primarily on individual-level approaches; however, there is an emerging expectation to include a more contextually based social-ecological approach. This approach is salient ...
Linking HIV+ adolescents into care: The effects of relationships between local health departments and adolescent medicine clinics. 2013 1239 The fragmentation of HIV-related diagnostic and treatment services, especially for youth, is a significant barrier for engaging in care. The authors identified key elements that affected care linkage efforts and conducted 64 interviews across 15 clin...
Linking HIV-positive adolescents to care in 15 different clinics across the United States: Creating solutions to address structural barriers for linkage to care 2014 269 Linkage to care is a critical corollary to expanded HIV testing, but many adolescents are not successfully linked to care, in part due to fragmented care systems. Through a collaboration of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease...
Listening to the voices of Latina women: Sexual and reproductive health intervention needs and priorities in a new settlement state in the United States 2016 281 Latina women in the United States are disproportionately affected by negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Our community-based participatory research partnership conducted in-depth interviews exploring sexual and reproductive health needs...
A longitudinal daily diary analysis of condom use during bleeding-associated vaginal sex among adolescent females 2016 263 Objective: Sex during bleeding is a risk factor for sexually transmitted infection (STI) and other bloodborne viruses, including HIV. We examined daily predictors of adolescent women's male condom use during bleeding-associated vaginal sex.

Methodological Considerations from a Kinsey Institute Mixed Methods Pilot Project 2013 4000 Despite the growth of mixed methods, little attention has focused on the specific challenges of conducting mixed methods research on sexual experience and perceptions of sexuality. This paper's purpose is to discuss the exploratory sequential design ...
A peer navigation intervention to prevent HIV among mixed immigrant status Latinx GBMSM and transgender women in the United States: outcomes, perspectives and implications for PrEP uptake 2020 224 The Latinx population in the United States is disproportionately affected by HIV. Our community-based participatory research partnership developed, implemented and evaluated a Spanish-language peer navigation intervention designed to increase HIV tes...
Perceptions of acceptability and utility of microbicides in Ghana, West Africa: An exploratory, qualitative study. 2008 812 Vaginal microbicides, substances that may substantially decrease transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI) including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), are currently in clinical trials. They are being presented as woman-initiated preven...
Predictors of Internet Health Information–Seeking Behaviors Among Young Adults Living With HIV Across the United States: Longitudinal Observational Study 2020 414 Background: Consistent with young adults’ penchant for digital communication, young adults living with HIV use digital communication media to seek out health information. Understanding the types of health information sought online and the characteris...
Preliminary impact of the weCare social media intervention to support health for young men who have sex with men and transgender women with HIV 2018 941 Young racial/ethnic minority men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women with HIV often have poor health outcomes. They also utilize a wide array of social media. Accordingly, we developed and implemented weCare, a social media intervention...
Promoting community and population health in public health and medicine: A stepwise guide to initiating and conducting community-engaged research 2018 272 Various methods, approaches, and strategies designed to understand and reduce health disparities, increase health equity, and promote community and population health have emerged within public health and medicine. One such approach is community-engag...
A Prospective Study of Adolescent Women's First Coital Experience: The Influence of Individual Factors on Protective Behaviors 2009 1065 Purpose: First coitus is a major transitional event into adulthood imbued with cultural and personal relevance, especially for women. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the phenomenology of young women's first coital experiences by...
A prospective study of the sexual, emotional and behavioral correlates associated with young women’s first and subsequent coital events. 2010 1014 Context First coitus is considered a major transitional event imbued with cultural relevance. Research has focused on classifying women as virgins, with primary interest in pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention and less on sexualit...
A Rapid Qualitative Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on a Racially/Ethnically Diverse Sample of Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men who Have Sex with Men Living with HIV in the US South 2020 1242 Persons living with HIV (PLWH) may be at increased risk for severe COVID-19-related illness. Our community-based participatory research partnership collected and analyzed semi-structured interview data to understand the early impact of the COVID-19 p...
Reducing HIV risk among Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men: qualitative analysis of behavior change intentions by participants in a small-group intervention 2016 336 Objective: The southeastern United States has the fastest-growing Hispanic/Latino population in the country and carries a disproportionate HIV burden. Among Hispanics/Latinos, men, and men who have sex with men (MSM) in particular, are at elevated ri...
Relational and Partner-specific Factors Influencing Black Heterosexual Women's Initiation of Sexual Intercourse and Orgasm Frequency 2020 157 There is limited research on how Black women’s perspectives of their relationship influence their sexual experiences (i.e., sex initiation and orgasm frequency) in early adulthood. This quantitative study examined the association between relationship...
Relationship intentions, race, and gender: Student differences in condom use during hookups involving vaginal sex 2018 1564 Objective: To examine the relationship between race, gender, and pre-hookup relationship intentions and college students’ participation in condomless vaginal sex. Participants: 3,315 Black and White college students who participated in the Online Col...
Reply to Tucker et al 2016 217 TO THE EDITOR—We read with great interest the letter by Tucker et al [1] regarding our report outlining the outcomes from our social media intervention designed to increase human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing among men who have sex with men (M...
Research on adolescents and microbicides: A review. 2009 1821 Adolescents are an important target for microbicide research, as they are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections and currently are underrepresented in the microbicide research literature. Furthermore, adolescents are psychosoc...
Selling the product: Strategies to increase recruitment and retention of Spanish-speaking Latinos in biomedical research 2018 394 Introduction: The Latino population in the United States is rapidly growing and faces profound health disparities; however, engagement of Latinos in biomedical research remains low. Our community-based participatory research partnership has recruited...
Sexual Health Interventions for Black Women in the United States: A Systematic Review of Literature 2019 2457 Objective: The purpose of this systematic review was to identify and evaluate approaches used in sexual health interventions targeting Black women in the United States. Methods: We conducted a review of 15 sexual health intervention studies for Black...
Sexual identity factors and minority stressors associated with healthcare stereotype threat and access to care among Black sexual minority women 2022 110 Black sexual minority women (SMW) are disproportionately impacted by negative health outcomes, healthcare discrimination, and provider bias. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate which sexual identity characteristics and minority st...
Sexual sensation seeking, hookups, and alcohol consumption among first-year college students 2020 1285 Objective: To explore sexual sensation seeking (SSS) among an ethnically-diverse sample of first-year college students and their hookup behaviors. Participants: 1,480 first-year college students who hooked up in the last 30?days were recruited from f...
Sexuality education in Florida: Content, context, and controversy. 2008 7216 As with many states, Florida has official directives that are intended to influence what type of sexuality education, if any, takes place in public school classrooms. However, little is known about contextual factors that facilitate or challenge the ...
A Statewide Survey of the Nature and Scope of Sexuality Communication in Indiana 2006 1213 With schools' emphasis on abstinence-only-until-marriage sexuality education, parents' roles as sexuality educators are becoming increasingly important to ensure positive sexual health outcomes for young People. However, research suggests that most A...
Supporting Health Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women With HIV: Lessons Learned From Implementing the weCare Intervention 2020 831 Young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender women with HIV, particularly those who are racial or ethnic minorities, often have poor health outcomes. They also utilize a wide array of social media. Accordingly, we develope...
Testing the Association Between Traditional and Novel Indicators of County-Level Structural Racism and Birth Outcomes among Black and White Women 2017 2254 Despite decreases in infants born premature and at low birth weight in the United States (U.S.), racial disparities between Black and White women continue. In response, the purpose of this analysis was to examine associations between both traditional...
Transgender women of color in the U.S. South: A qualitative study of social determinants of health and healthcare perspectives 2020 545 Background: Research has shown that transgender and nonbinary people experience health disparities. However, few studies have explored, in-depth, the health-related experiences, perceptions, needs, and priorities of transgender women of color living ...
Transitioning Adolescents with HIV to Adult Care: Outcomes From a Prospective Multi-Site Study 2018 1051 Purpose: Youth (ages 13–29) living with HIV (YLHIV) account for nearly one-third of new HIV infections, face significant barriers to care engagement, and only 6% are virally suppressed. Healthcare transition (HCT) from pediatric/adolescent to adult-o...
Transitioning HIV-infected adolescents to adult care at 14 clinics across the United States: Using adolescent and adult providers’ insights to create multi-level solutions to address transition barriers 2017 323 HIV-infected adolescents have disproportionately low rates of care retention and viral suppression. Approximately half disengage from care while transitioning to adult clinics, in part due to fragmented care systems and lack of streamlined protocols....
Transitioning HIV-positive adolescents to adult care: lessons learned from twelve adolescent medicine clinics 2016 1323 Purpose: To maximize positive health outcomes for youth with HIV as they transition from youth to adult care, clinical staff need strategies and protocols to help youth maintain clinic engagement and medication adherence. Accordingly, this paper desc...
Understanding care linkage and engagement across 15 adolescent clinics: provider perspectives and implications for newly HIV-infected youth 2017 258 The National HIV/AIDS Strategy emphasizes rapid care linkage and engagement for HIV-infected individuals, though many adolescents are never tested, delay entering care, and frequently drop out. We conducted 183 staff interviews at 15 adolescent medic...
US Black college women’s sexual health in hookup culture: intersections of race and gender 2016 3815 Approximately 60–80% of college students in the USA report a hookup experience in the form of a casual sexual encounter between individuals without the expectation of a dating or romantic relationship. Given the potential health risk posed by these s...
Using social media to increase HIV testing among gay and bisexual men, other men who have sex with men, and transgender persons: outcomes from a randomized community trial 2016 271 We tested an intervention designed to increase human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing among men who have sex with men and transgender persons within existing and commonly used social media. At follow-up, intervention communities had significantly...
Vaginal microbicide preferences among Midwestern urban adolescent women. 2008 1905 Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess adolescent women's preferences for specific microbicide characteristics including pregnancy prevention, timing of application, potential for side effects, and whether it targeted human immunodeficiency...
weCARE: A Social Media–Based Intervention Designed to Increase HIV Care Linkage, Retention, and Health Outcomes for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Young MSM 2016 996 Estimates suggest that only about 30% of all individuals living with HIV in the U.S. have achieved viral suppression. Men who have sex with men (MSM), particularly racial/ethnic minority young MSM, are at increased risk for HIV infection and may have...
Young women’s use of a microbicide surrogate: The complex influence of relationship characteristics and perceived male partners' evaluations. 2010 2205 Currently in clinical trials, vaginal microbicides are proposed as a female-initiated method of sexually transmitted infection prevention. Much of microbicide acceptability research has been conducted outside of the United States and frequently witho...
Young women’s use of a microbicide surrogate: The role of individual and contextual factors in acceptability and sexual pleasure 2009 1279 Currently in clinical trials, microbicides have historically been promoted as a woman-controlled (although more recently woman initiated) method of sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention. The contradicition that exists in this rationale is t...
Young Women's Contraceptive Microbicide Preferences: Associations with Contraceptive Behavior and Sexual Relationship Characteristics 2014 727 CONTEXT: In time, microbicides may provide women with dual prevention against pregnancy and STDs. Although several microbicide dimensions have been evaluated, little is known about women's preferences for contraceptive microbicides and correlates of ...
“Youth friendly” Clinics: Considerations for Linking and Engaging HIV-infected Adolescents into Care 2014 2040 Linkage and engagement in care are critical corollaries to the health of HIV-infected adolescents. The adolescent HIV epidemic and adolescents' unique barriers to care necessitates innovation in the provision of care, including the consideration of t...