Lomotey, Kofi


There are 15 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Improving community college completion rates : the case of Isothermal Community College 2016 1760 State and national programs such as Completion by Design, Achieving the Dream, and SuccessNC are leading to an increased emphasis on student completion driven in part by President Obama’s 2020 goal to increase degree attainment from 40 to 60% (Kanter...
Interventions to bolster succes : the experiences of nontraditional students in higher education 2016 1162 This intervention focused on nontraditional students at McDowell Technical Community College and Gardner-Webb University and the importance of bolstering their educational success. Community colleges and private institutions of higher learning enroll...
Addressing depression in Western Carolina University students : the role of exercise 2016 1610 Western Carolina University (WCU) experienced an increase in the number of studentswith depressive symptoms over the past few years, an upsurge that is congruent withnational trends. In an effort to combat the pressure put on Counseling and Psycholog...
Re-imagining competencies in North Carolina community colleges: integrating certifications into academic programs at two community colleges 2017 854 Once a community college graduate completes an associate’s degree, the institution is committing to the public that the graduate possesses a prescriptive set of knowledge, skills, and abilities either gained through, or enhanced by, their college att...
An intervention to improve outcomes for under-resourced students: The case of Central Piedmont Community College 2022 415 Under-resourced community college students struggle to meet their basic needs, often facing food and housing insecurities, all while trying to focus on their studies. A handful of institutions have increased the graduation rates of their under-resour...
Increasing gender diversity in the skilled trades workforce sector: An intervention at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 2022 198 Occupational segregation by gender continues with a significant underrepresentation of women in the skilled trades industry. There is a significant workforce shortage in the skilled trades industry locally, regionally, and nationally. Additionally, i...
Addressing the pilot shortage: funding flight training at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 2023 111 The United States (US) airline industry is currently experiencing a pilot shortage that could quadruple between the years 2022 - 2025 (Baldwin, 2022). Although there is not a single cause for this pilot shortage, one of the reasons is the high cost o...
Emotional support animals: Western Carolina University’s campus preparedness 2020 945 Emotional support animals (ESAs) are sprouting up on college campuses around the country. The purpose of this disquisition is to explore their impact on the students who need them and one university who have them on campus. Through this research, I f...
An equity-minded approach to improving Black male student persistence at Four Corners Community College: Reframing the issues 2024 186 Most Black males envision community colleges as a gateway to higher education and upward mobility. Unfortunately, success metrics from across the United States reveal that community colleges fail to facilitate equitable outcomes for these students. A...
Eliminating Black maternal and infant mortality: A case study of an innovative community-based public health equity intervention model in Columbus, Ohio, 2018-2021 2024 112 Columbus, Ohio, has been documented as having one of the highest Black maternal and infant mortality rates in the United States. A survey of data of the past three decades shows that Black families in Columbus, Ohio, have fared exponentially worse th...
Reversing the enrollment decline in career and technical education career and college promise pathways: an intervention at Lenoir Community College 2019 1270 While data forecast that America will face a shortage of skilled workers in technical and advanced manufacturing jobs within the next 10 years, enrollment in high school and college career and technical education pathways is down. Many of these jobs ...
African American freshman students at UNC Asheville: a strategy for retention and success 2019 789 Enrollment of African American students at predominantly white institutions has seen substantial growth since the late 1970s due in great part to federal legislation such as affirmative action and other access-focused policies. Broad specified judici...
Increasing retention rates of black women in gateway STEM courses: an intervention at NCCU 2018 618 The purpose of this disquisition is to improve the persistence of African American women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) gateway courses at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) through the implementation of a series of...
The blueprint: creating a sense of community among African American faculty & staff at Western Carolina University 2021 276 There has been extensive research on employee retention over the past 50 years, including new managerial methodologies around employee retention. Researchers and practitioners must evaluate the lack of focus given to African American faculty and staf...
A fresh cut: improving barbering examination pass rates with a curricular intervention at JIBCA 2023 1354 Adequate education experiences and passing licensure examinations are imperative to professional entry and the career success of aspiring barbers. This improvement science initiative addressed low passing rates on the North Carolina Apprentice Barber...